Pod 1 The pain is so worth it I ❤️ My new boobies!! Started by: Natalie

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  • Natalie 27

    This time 24 hours ago I was walking down to theatre. My admission time was 10am so didn’t wait around long! All went very smoothly and was home again by 5pm propped up on the sofa with tea and my ice packs on my new babies lol.
    Last night was quite possibly the worst night of my life. Unders girls I salute you, I had overs and if this is pain with overs I don’t wana know what you poor girls have to go through. Managed 4 hours broken sleep, got stuck getting out of bed, couldn’t open my bottle of water and had a little breakdown and burst into tears at 4.30am because I just feel so helpless. Managed to get back to bed and comfy enough for a few more hours sleep. Woke up this morning feeling like crap then looked down and smiled. This is all so worth it and I know this is temporary pain and won’t last forever. I still can’t believe after more than 10 years I finally have boobs. I love them and can’t stop touching them haha!! I had 550cc overs and couldn’t be happier with the results. Looking forward to the next few weeks/months and seeing them changes in them.
    First 2 pics were about 6 hours after surgery. 3rd pic was this morning at around 9am they seemed to have changed already in such a short space of time.

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    Claudine 196

    Wow!! Absolute beauties! So happy for you Natalie, wishing you a speedy recovery xxx

    Natalie 27

    Thanks @claudine really sore and swollen but the pain is well worth it. I love them already. Xxx


    Oh no, sounds like first night is really tough, each day will get better and better. i bet tey wil look fantastic when they settle down, can see already they are gonna be big xxx happy healing!!

    Eevie 35

    They look great I had unders/partials and didn’t sleep at all the first night even though I was in hospital on morphine and all sorts.
    I hope you have a quick recovery 🙂 I am now 14 days post op and starting to feel more able to move around more ! happy healing xx

    Natalie 27

    Oh @eevie your my hero I honestly don’t know how you’ve coped with unders. I knew it wouldn’t be pain free but couldn’t imagine being any worse than this and I (think) I have quite a high pain threshold. I haven’t taken any painkillers tho as of yet I’m scared of the bloating and getting constipated so just on my antibiotics at the min. Think I’m going to cave today tho as it’s way worse than yesterday. I wasn’t mentally prepared for how useless I was going to be. Glad to hear your feeling better Hun and getting back to normal. Can’t wait to get to 14 days post op and feel more normal feel like it’s never gonna happen right now lol. How did u find sleeping upright? It’s awful I don’t know how I’m going to do it for another 5 plus weeks!! Xxx

    Casey Murrell 44

    They look so good and have changed so much in such a short space of time! I’m 3dpo with partials and trust me the sleeping does get a lot easier! The pain gets easier as well! I was so bloated and couldn’t go to the toilet so I came off my pain killers on my first day and haven’t been taking any at all!xxx

    Jackie 144

    Wow I had 550 overs 10 weeks ago x mine have done some dropping and fluffing and have softened loads happy healing my lovely xx

    Natalie 27

    Thanks girls. I know they’ve changed really quick they seem to look different everytime I look at them lol.
    Oh thank goodness for that. That’s reassuring to know sleeping gets easier i feel shattered and drained it’s an emotional rollercoaster for sure. Still don’t have any regrets at all tho no pain no gain 🙂
    Uurrrgghh it’s awful isn’t it as if the pain and lack of sleep wasn’t bad enough we have to get bloated and constipated to top it off lol the things us girls do to ourselves!
    Can’t wait to be 10 weeks @jackie I’ve seen pics of yours on other posts and yours look fabulous you started out with a lot more boob than I did I’d be over the moon if mine end up like yours xxx

    Claudine 196

    How are you today Natalie? xxx

    Natalie 27

    Hey @claudine not going to lie I’ve struggled the last few days. Slept the best last night and managed to wash my own hair over the bath today which was heaven. Had slight pain after and my partner said I’ve done too much so been resting all day again today. Today’s by far been the best day and I’m pod3 so hopefully onwards and upwards from here? My incisions have become really itchy but I’m under the impression that’s them healing?
    How are you getting on Hun? You were a few weeks infront of me I think? Xxx

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