Post BA – boobs different sizes Started by: suzanne

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  • suzanne

    Morning ladies,
    I had my BA 9 days ago.
    I am obsessed with looking at my new boobs. I was looking yesterday and my left breast is quite abit bigger and has dropped more than the right one – is this normal? Please help
    Suzanne x


    hi suzanne
    i am exactly the same and i think alot of other people are aswell from looking on different forums, my left one feels a lot fuller at the bottom.
    i aren’t completely sure what it is the only thing i can think of is that i am right handed, don’t know what that means though but thats the only thing i can think of is that i use my right arm alot more.
    i also seem to be able tell when i’m wearing a top and no bra underneath that it is obvious that the left looks bigger.
    o well though i dont suppose there is anything we can do to change it.


    Hi ladies,
    I had my op 5 days ago, and my right one is swollen more than my left, not by a lot but i can still see it.
    I am right handed too, hmmmmm… it is still really early days so i’m not worried about it yet. I’m seeing the nurse on Wednesday for my check up so will ask her then. xx



    i am 2 weeks post op and my left one is def more swollen than my right but apparently this is normal it can take weeks to go down apparently. I am still in a lot of pain aswell anyone else, still feels very tight and still have that burning sensation especially first thing in the morning, ANY ONE ELSE FEEL LIKE THIS ?


    Hi Everyone,

    I am 2 days post op now and my left is swallon more i asked the nurses and the anest and they said it was fine, does anyone know how long it is ill they start to drop and i feel they are under my chin lol but loving it anyway. i am still in a lot of pain but am keeping on top of my painkillers and this is keeping it bearable am also sleeping propped up which helps to keep the swelling down so i was told. having probs sleeping though seem to sleep for about half hour then wake up for an hour and so on think it might be the anasectic?.


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