Post op Started by: HayH

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  • HayH 28

    Had my op yesterday. Mya Fitzroy, Dr Giannas, was 34B had 350cc unders. Wearing strap. Chest feeling so tight, like a heavy person is sitting on my chest, short of breath,, arm movement is restricted, should I be moving my arms or resting them? Worried about stitching and very squeamish with this sort of thing as mad as I it sounds, what can I do to help with healing? Am on co codamol still in discomfort and struggling with restricted movements. Any info would be a great help.

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    Frankie 2

    Hi Hayley, I had my op yesterday with Dr Giannas 325cc unders and I am feeling exactly the same as you! I feel like I can hardly breath with how tight my chest feels! I’m trying to keep my arms moving every so often so they don’t stiffen up, hope your recovery goes ok! Xx

    Heidi 217

    All totally normal i was the same, try to rest your arms i was told use them as little as i can and they just go back to normal themselves I could lift them both above my head by day 8, but one took longer cause i used it too much, everything will feel alot better in a few days! Try ice packs for the pain and just get loads of sleep xx

    HayH 28

    Hi Frankie, nice to know I’m not alone, I forgot last night and used my right arm to pull the cover over me, my boob muscle tensed it felt horrible! Totally freaked out. Tried not doing much so far, only had an hours sleep as sleeping at an angle is proving difficult. Have just woke up from another hours nap and not feeling as restricted with arms although still very stiff. Also struggling with breathing and talking. Yet to take the white tape off I’m dreading it! 🙁 Wishing you a quick recovery xx

    HayH 28

    Thank you Frankie, nice to know all is normal, where did you find putting ice packs helped? I know eating well aids in recovery too but I don’t have much of an appetite xx

    Louisa 26

    Hey Hayley, sorry to here you’re struggling a little bit, taking extra vitamin C should help with her our healing if you’re able to get some xx

    Heidi 217

    I got a packed of frozen peas and basically held them into my cleavage but i had more strapping than you do, i drank a load of vitamin water too xx

    Illy 10

    I had my op yday too not with mya. Im using arnica and ice packs and they are really helping im also lifting my arms up every now and thrn as much as i can without over doing it i have been since yesterday and its defo helping x

    Kay 48

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    Wow they look great! I’d love to read your recovery and see what you was like before. Iv been offered 355 and 375 but can’t decide xx

    HayH 28

    Thank you all, I was told to stop taking my vitamins before surgery due to blood thinning but forgot to ask when is ok to take them again? xx

    HayH 28

    Has anyone taken off their white tape yet? Absolutely dreading it, I’m no good with this stuff makes me feel faint 🙁 xx

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by HayH 28.
    HayH 28

    Sorry not a great before pic, didn’t get any with bra off but this is a push up padded bra xx

    Kay 48

    I can’t see the befor pic but I wouldn’t take off the tape yet… leave it for you check up. Keeps infections out. Just keep your bra on and try to leave them to heal x

    HayH 28

    Hi Kay, it won’t upload, the nurse told me to take tape off today but if I absolutely couldn’t then I could leave it on, it’s off now, took me a good half an hour to get it off, was hard as very sticky but I couldn’t leave it half off once I started. I still have the dressing over stitches which is what I was told to leave on until my check up. How are you coping with sitting down and getting up and sleeping? I’m finding it hard to get at all comfortable xx

    Alison 13

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    They look fab Hun I am having my tomoz with Dr Giannas I am having 400 cc overs can’t wait

    HayH 28

    Hi Illy, what’s Amica? xx

    HayH 28

    I’m wishing I went bigger allready but he wouldnt let me go any bigger 🙁 xx

    HayH 28

    Good luck with your surgery Alison. I know everyone is different but I hear it’s not as painful when they are over muscle. Good luck Hun xx

    Alison 13

    Thansk Hun I am so nervous x

    Kay 48

    Oh I thought you meant the tape on your scars! But they will drop and fluff and then they’ll feel bigger x

    HayH 28

    You’ll be fine Alison, the staff and nurses are so lovely and reassuring, always ready to help and you’ll be more consumed with excitement. It’s honestly over so quick then just to relax and recover and enjoy results. Good luck and keep me updated xx

    HayH 28

    Oh god no Kay, I coulnt go near those I would definitely faint 🙁 I’ll leave that to the professionals. I have my sports bra on and band on still. So much pressure can’t wait for it to ease over time and to see actual size as they don’t look much bigger at the moment, but someone said when they fluff they will look bigger? Such an overwhelming process xx

    HayH 28

    Kay have you made up your mind in sizing? What size are you now? xx

    Alison 13

    Thanks Hun I
    Will let u know how I get on tomoz. X x

    Lindsey 2

    Hey girls. I’m day 4 325cc overs with Dr Traynor. Mod plus profile xx

    Lindsey 2

    Pic xx

    Kay 48

    No it’s soo hard to decide. Think I’m steering towards the 355 for now unless my surgeon tells me other wise. I have some pics of what I want so hopefully she’ll remember the lady I really love x

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