Post Op appointments Started by: Abbie

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  • Abbie 45

    Hi girls, I’m going in for surgery on the 24th of April & wondering how many post op appointments you go to? I know I go for one a week after but I’m in Scotland & traveling down to Newcastle all the time so just wondering if there’s any afterwards?

    Kristy 44

    Yes I believe you see your nurse a couple of times before the surgeon. I want to say 4-6 post op appointments but have not been through the process yet so can not say that with 100% certainty.

    One thing I was warned about however at my pre-op appointment is that you can actually not be covered if you miss any of your appointments so make sure you do reschedule them and don’t miss any. If you are ever in a situation where you would need more support, perhaps a corrective procedure, you may need to foot a lot more money than if you had attended all of the appointments as they can say that you did not attend appointment/s to receive aftercare x

    Heidi 217

    I had 1 week post op, 2 weeks post op, 6 weeks post op and 12 weeks post op (saw surgeon on this appointment) xx

    Abbie 45

    Thank you girls xx

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