Post op bloating Started by: Cathy

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  • Cathy 16

    Im 2days post op and seriously bloated
    Whats best way to get rid of it
    Not sure if its caused by surgery meds or pain killers taking after
    Im using paracetamol, Ibuprofen and Dihydrocodeine

    Kate 56

    I heee ya! Heard it’s normal. I’ve drank lots of water and (sorry tmi) has my first bowel movement yesterday (3 days PO). I’ve also just come on so I’m doubly bloated 🙁 huff! At least it’s temp xxx


    I can feel this starting too! My belly is making all sorts of wonderful sloshing noises and it’s slowly expanding… gutted as after my day of no eating/drinking yesterday it looked so flat ha! I think the only thing you can do is keep drinking lots of fluids and get lots of fibre in your diet. Tesco do a high protein/high fibre seeded loaf that I bought with recovery in mind, might be worth a try if you eat bread Xx

    Steph 18

    I had my op last Friday and am still bloated I’ve been trying to drink lots of water and it’s only today I’ve noticed it has gone down more but still bloated ???? x


    Hi Hun, it’s the codeine! I stopped taking mine on day 2 as I’m not in that much pain, I just stuck to the paracetamol and ibuprofen. I bought some prunes and all bran cereal and had it before bed, next day I was able to go to the toilet! Stomach has gone down loads since xx

    Olivia 2

    I’m day 5 post op and feeling seriously bloated. It’s so horrible, don’t no how to get rid of it. I have stopped taking any painkillers to see if that will help. Xx


    It’s defo the codene! I took 1 ducolax tablet and it worked wonders for me. Also try and drink lots of water xxx

    Kelly Wild 43

    I haven’t had any Codene, I refused it as it makes my head fee fluffy. I am massively bloated. Can’t even fasten my pants. I’ve been researching it and apparently it is really common for post BA patients to experience severe bloating and to gain weight rapidly. All of which returns to normal after a few weeks. Non of the surgeons seem a 100% sure as to what the cause is: some think it might be the constipation or lack of movement after; others say its due to the fluids they pump you with during surgery. Either way it’s a bit of a phenomenon that happens with us boobie patients.
    Good luck with your recoveries

    Cathy 16

    Its not only me then
    Thank goodness was worried had something wrong
    I seriously lookabout 6months preggers
    Feel and look disgusting
    What do we put ourselves through
    Ive stopped painkillers today and gonna eat a good healthy diet and hope it goes down fast
    Im wearing my 34e post surgery bra and my tummysticks out furtherthan my boobs
    Im only a ten bottom but in my joggers n ph bottoms as no hope of wearing jeans etc while size of a whale lol x

    charlie 52

    Hiya I’m 8 days p.o. from uplift and implants and are severely bloated aswell I didn’t take a single pain pill at all so I don’t think it’s that as far as I’m aware it’s the swelling from the op travelling down I also went to the toilet for bowel movement the day after my operation and have been atleast once a day so I’m not sure it’s that either I have been drinking plenty water and today is the first day I’ve actually seen that my tummy looks slightly less swollen so there is a end in sight I had more swelling towards the top of my tummy but it is defo smaller today yeyyy and one of my new boobies have dropped slightly get my dressings off Monday so hopefully my anchor incisions are healed enough lol good luck all xx

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