post-op breast enlargement girls … i wish i……. Started by: Sal

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  • Sal

    Is there anything you wish you had done differently, eg your surgery, who was with you, size, what you took, when you did it, special remedies for healing and prevention of stretch marks, ect… so us pre-op girls can consider for our surgery?



    Ooo good post 🙂 xx


    Yeah if anyone replies lol :p also didn’t mention things that anyone couldn’t of done without xx


    Hey ladies, I took my boyfriend he was supportive, I am glad I stayed overnight as I felt sick until around midnight when I felt able to eat and buzzed the nurse for some tea and toast. I took arnica but don’t think it made much difference. I had mine in nov I went under at around 6 at night and was in my room in time for Corrie although still out of it. Lol. I didn’t take anything for stretch marks I had 470 unders from a small 34b. I took my onesie, dry shampoo. Face wipes were good, phone charger and my v pillow xx


    Thanks Sarah, I will put face wipes and charger on my list 🙂 … I was worried about taking my boyfriend incase I want my mum because maybe he just wont quite understand lol. Only been with him 9 years 😀 im glad your other half was supportive,thank you for sharing xx


    Lol I’d only been with my fella for 5 months. He was really careful going over speed bumps incase it hurt. I was give co codimol but myself and most of the girls here found it left them bloated. If they will give u paracetamol use it instead x


    Sounds like the story of my life being bloated lol.. Thanks for the advice 🙂 xx


    I took my mom and my auntie so if you wanted to take more than one person you can :). I forgot to take my phone charger and I was really bored waiting so it nearly ran out! Rookie error! Wish I’d rested more after surgery, I decided to stay at home on my own instead of staying at my moms.. ended up doing way too much and used my right arm loads and hardly moved my left arm.. think that’s probably why my left dropped a lot quicker! And also wish I’d got a Macom quicker and not used my M&S zip up one til I was healed, deffo rubbed my incision and now theres a big bit at the end where there was a hole so its not completely even… would’ve avoided that with a Macom.. but my M&S is really supportive to sleep in now at nearly 7 weeks and healed better :). I used palmers cocoa butter just on the skin on side and on top from 1 week but obviously not on my incisions which made my skin really soften quickly.. using bio oil now I’ve had the all clear at my 6 week post op. That’s it really…. oh and of course.. wish I’d been allowed bigger 😛 xx


    Hey Katie Emma. I had a hole as well took a while to heal x


    That’s really great advice about the bra, I’ve just bought a macom online but nearly didn’t was going to opt for a cheaper one. I alao didn’t realise you could take more than one person so that’s really helpful. Glad your all on the mend now Hun I bet you were so annoyed about your charger lol. Ooo sounds like you have the “dreaded boob greed” already haha, they are a lovely size xx


    The hole is a right pain! I did exactly that! Bought loads of sports bras in the Christmas sales because it worked out cheaper and id get more for the same price as 1 Macom, but for the sake of having the extra healing to put up with its definitely worth the money! I still don’t think mine is healing well at all.. at my 6 week the nurse said she could see an undissolved stitch in there too but when she tried to pull it out it wouldn’t budge. @sarahw104 how long did it take for yours to heal up? Every time mine seems to be making progress I wake up one day and it looks really red and sore again! Been taking pictures every day to see if its getting any better but don’t think it is! xx


    It took about a month. I went home to ni for Xmas and had to send the nurse pics. It had a white hard bit if u look at my pics I kept a record of the progress. I went to boots and the guy said it was sweat rash and gave me the cream u buy for thrush. Soooo glad I went for a second opinion as she said under no circumstances apply the cream, this was from a nurse at my med centre she said I had a loose stitch and tried to pull my scab off. As I was flying home I wanted peace of mind I went to the clinic in newcastle and seen the mya nurse she said it was a loose stitch and def not a sweat rash and out a dressing over it and gave me some to take home with stuff to wash it with. Nightmare xx


    Hope your feeling better soon Katie-Emma sounds awful xx


    Thanks!! Wasnt a nice feeling having the stitch pulled! Lol but im sure it’ll heal in time 🙂 it did go like a greeny yellow scab and after that it went really pink and healthy looking.. just seems to be red again now like its been irritated. When they say rest they really mean it and couldve been avoided with a macom I recon!! Im sure if there was anything to worry about she wouldve said when I saw the nurse on Tuesday :).. cant believe they told you thrush cream! Bloody hell lol xx


    Yip. So glad I got second and third opinion. Don’t trust boots now. I agree with u that the macom is the best bra, it was by far the comfiest. I got the ok to wear normal bras but it does get irritating where the hole was esp if I’m wearing it all day so prefer sports bras for work x

    Sarah -2

    Hey girls! I have bought a Maccom style bra from boobydoo, another online ba site. I was going to get the zip up from marks and Spencer’s too and some normal ones but now seeing you’ve wrote you wish you hadn’t do you think I should stick with the proper ba bra until like 2 weeks? Xxxxx

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