Well I don’t want to jinx my self, but I think I had finally turned a corner!
I have been majorly suffering for days on end and yesterday was by far the worst day and I didn’t know how much more I could take!
I managed to sleep in so late today, and when I woke up I felt so much better. I managed a shallow bath and was surprised how mobile I felt, and for the first day I have not felt sick at all.
I went out with my mum for a few hours to see family and she helped me with grocery shopping. I think I may have over done it though as my chest started to really hurt. I have caught a cold and kept sneaking and got one or two searing pains in my right Breast.
I came home took my meds and went to sleep for an hour and woke up feeling better. I managed to cook for me self which was a big no no before today.
Hope I don’t jinx my self but I’m really hoping I have turned a corner!! Xxx