Post op day 9 doing better! Rib pain is it from the drains? Started by: Eevie

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  • Eevie 35

    Hi girls,
    After having my strapping off on day 7 I feel so much better.
    My boobs feel like rocks still at times and pretty alien! I’m not getting sharp pain in them more like muscular aching rather than sharp. I’ve also got back ache from being hunched due to the strapping and just not being able to stand straight… as well as probably sleeping upright!
    The main thing that is actually hurting are my ribs along my bra line did any other girls have this it’s quite painful as if they are all bruised. I was wondering if it had something to do with the placement of the drains or perhaps it’s just general internal bruising transferring down from my boobs.


    Goldie 29

    Hi Evie,
    This is what I’ve been suffering with the worst today – where the drain site is. I woke up feeling like my ribs were broken, but as the days gone on it’s just sharpe stinging where the drains come out & the wadding that’s over them looks really raised now so I’m wondering if they are bleeding underneath?!
    I emailed my MYA nurse but their not open until tomorrow! Not very helpful when your worrying. Xx

    Eevie 35

    @goldielox Ye it feels really bruised for me. I don’t have any dressing on anymore so can see nothing’s going on but it just feels really bruised inside!

    Would you be able to see blood through the wadding ?
    Is the emergency line not open at all times?

    Goldie 29

    I guess if it was bleeding like it feels like it is, I would probably see something, but no nothing as yet. I feel really silly worrying and don’t want to call the emergency line if this is all normal pains. Comforting to know that since your bandages have come off that you ok, so like you say maybe it’s just where the drain gets pulled through it’s just badly bruised inside? Xx

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