Post op Dr Ibraheim Started by: Jessica04

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  • Jessica04 4

    Hi everyone!
    I had my op yesterday, labiaplasty and hoodectomy!
    Everything went well, I’ve been quite drowsy yesterday and today as a result of the anaesthetic. I had my op at the first trust hospital in Preston and stayed overnight as I didn’t have anyone to chaperone me. All the staff there were lovely and kept me comfortable 🙂 I travelled home 4 hours on the train and did feel quite nauseous at times, I’d advise anyone not to travel on their own post op if it can be helped, it was quite stressful and I had to sleep for 3 hours when I got home.

    Other than that I’ve had no issues so far, the pain has been very minimal, only slight twinges and some stinging today while urinating. I had some bleeding yesterday, similar to a light period and mainly when I used the toilet or stood up. Today there has only been very light spotting, tomorrow I’m hoping it has stopped altogether so I can leave my underwear off to let the air get to it! I showered this morning without issue, just patted the area dry with a clean towel.
    I forgot to ask about the salt water, is regular table salt okay to use?

    I’ve had a little look, from the outside it is perfect, inside is quite swollen and I’m not sure what is supposed to be where or how it’s suppsoed to look at the moment so I’m not bothered too much as I’ve seen posts saying it looks a bit messy for the first week or so!

    Does anyone have any advice on anything I should be doing to aid the healing process? I’ll update again in a few days 🙂 x

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Jessica04 4.
    louise 3

    Hi Jessica!

    Sorry i’m not answering your questions but just wondering about you not having a chaperone, my nurse told me today (at my pre op) that i need a chaperone to take me there and pick me up. my friend is able to come pick me up but not take me there just wondering if you had any isscues with not having a chaperone and did you have to contact them to check? My nurse made it seem they wouldnt let me have surgery if my friend wasnt there when i go in for surgery?

    Hope you are healing well and not experiencing to much pain 🙂


    Jessica04 4

    Hi Louise! 🙂
    I didn’t have any issues with not having a chaperone! I discussed with my patient coordinator prior to my surgery about not having one, she said they may ask to sign a form on leaving.
    However when I got to the hospital, they just asked if anyone was with me, I told them no & that was that! 🙂
    I’d recommend having your friend pick you up after surgery if you can, as I did struggle quite a bit even though I’d stayed over night. But there was no problems not having one prior to surgery, not sure if it might be different in the London hospital as my nurse told me they’re quite strict with policies, Preston was fine though!
    Everything’s healing brilliantly thank you, so pleased! Good luck with your surgery & I’m happy to answer any they questions if you have any 🙂 x

    louise 3

    Thank you so much Jessica!

    Pleased it’s healing well! What stage have you found the most painful? I’m nervous but so excited can’t wait to feel confident!

    Thanks so much for replying 🙂 x

    Jessica04 4

    I haven’t really had any significant pain, but I’d say days 3-6 were the most uncomfortable. The majority of my stitches seem to have come out now, it sure if I still have a few inside… it was quite itchy and uncomfortable when they were coming out but I just made sure I washed regularly throughout the day which seemed to help!

    When is your op? You’ll feel amazing as soon as you wake up! Even just wearing jeans now is so much more comfortable & I feel far less conscious of how they fit!

    No problem, feel free to ask anything else ???? x


    Hi just wondering how long it took you to heal with no pain or discomfort? ???? x

    Jessica04 4

    My recovery seemed to go pretty quickly! It goes in stages, it was only uncomfortable around days 3-4 initially. Then around early week 3 my stitches came out, so that was a little uncomfortable, not painful as such though. I personally felt fully healed around week 4. But obviously listen to your surgeons advice on whatever they advise just incase, I went back to work after 12/13 days, because I have a very active job, but I didn’t do any activities like swimming or the gym until around week 8 🙂 x

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