post op, for women who have got children.. help! Started by: Cherelle

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  • Cherelle 12

    Hiya Girlies!
    My op is on Sunday the 31st of this month..
    I cannot wait I’m so so excited! the only thing that’s really really bothering me is not being able to take care of my Daughter! ?
    She’s 10 months old and still can’t crawl or walk.. she’s a lazy girl haha, so I do have to carry her everywhere!
    and unfortunately me and my daughters dad are no longer together but still remain friends which is great so I am a single parent, I am back home with my parents and they help me loads with my daughter Ava..
    but I’m just worried like I’ll be bed bound for ages and won’t be able to take care of her, my mom and dad and her dad are gonna help me anyways but I don’t wanna leave it all to them I will feel guilty! I know I shouldn’t but I will, & she can be hard work sometimes like when getting her to sleep in the evenings.. she’ll only go to sleep for me, so that’s worrying me too!
    I just wanna know for ladies who have had ops how long was it till you could actually get out of bed and be with the little ones, I know I won’t be able to pick her up for atleast 3 weeks but I mean like just playing with her or having cuddles and stuff?
    mega stressing!


    Hi my daughters were 7 and 4 when i had my op so it was fine, i never spent a day in bed after my op just chilled on the sofa i was able to read books with my kids evt i wasnt really in pain just restricted what i could do. Im sure you will be fine you sound like you have lots of support around you! Best of luck ?

    Codie 32

    My daughter is 13months and I am able to pick her up. I was told as long at you don’t lift them from the floor or low down. You have to go down to their level bring them into you and then stand using your legs xx

    Cherelle 12

    Thank you for your reply girlies!
    made me feel a whole lot better!

    Shantel 32

    Hi! I had my op last tuesday and I have a 3 year old and an 8 month old, i had to rely on my parter for a lot of things for the first few days as you are quite restricted, I wasn’t bed bound though I was up and about the next day. by the following Tuesday I was fine I’m able to pick him up and do more or less everything as usual now. As long as you have help for the first week you should be fine 🙂 xx

    Cherelle 12

    Thanks doll, i do feel a lot better reading these, I was proppa stressing about it, thinking I’d be bed bound and wouldn’t be able to move at all haha! talking about over thinking things ??

    Jessica 55

    My surgery is feb 29th I have a two and four year old. Planning on putting together a whole tun of activities that will entertain them with minimal clear up. Perhaps try do some treasure baskets or sensory bottles to pull out if your not up too it and need distraction for her while our parents aren’t around. Im so worried one of mine will start playing hulk… Big trouble then lol


    Hey chick when I had my full uplift I had two year to deal with now I’m due re op soon just watting on a date to be set and I’ve got 12 week old to deal with il be having nipple lift and my breast pockets made small with scar revision or I can full uplift again but us mums are tough once the mummy power kicks inn X

    Cherelle 12

    haha Jessica that hulk comment made me giggle!?
    I don’t know how to bloody tag people in replies lol!
    I agree with you Courtney darl about the mummy power! Us mummy’s could conquer the world with that power! ??? xx

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