I only had my op on Monday but I just want to know when I will start feeling myself again. The pain is bareable It’s just hard getting up and when I’m up I feel like I have to hold my boobs up and there quite achy. I just want them to feel like there mine xx
I am 5 days post op hun and yesterday and today have felt completely back to normal. I was lucky that I didn’t have much pain anyway but the rate at which you improve each day is shocking. Day 3 was probably when they felt the most swollen and heavy, used lots of ice and just got better from there. Not long hun 🙂 x
Ahh thanks hun glad to here I’m not sure if I would call this day 2 or day 3 it’s day 3 including op day but there just feeling really heavy. So you can get out of bed fine? Do they feel like you haven’t had anything done now? Xx
Yeah can sleep flat and sit up fine. Can also reach up, wash hair. Had op on 22nd and had strapping removed today. Feel no pain other than a bit of skin burn from the strapping removal but just a small patch. The skin feels tight but not in the same way it did, not heavy and feels like they have always been there now. Can’t wait for them to soften. Trust me, a day or two more will make all the difference. You will feel great in no time! Xx
🙁 I’m so annoyed. I need my bandages on for 2 weeks!! I have a really tight stitch on my left breast and it’s causing me agony. But they won’t trim until 2 weeks. It’s been 10 days today. Got to wait til Monday xx
Hi Canilla, so glad to hear it’s not just me feeling like this. I’m the same the pain is bearable, I’m not in agony but just getting up and walking uses so much energy and I’m really worried about going in work on Monday, hoping I feel loads better by Monday and then even better still when this strapping is off! Kaylee it’s so good to hear your doing so well! I bet your so happy to get that strapping off! Xxx
Ahh thankyou kaylee what was it like getting the strapping removed? How are you feeling Sarah why do you have to wait 2 weeks ? I’m getting my strapping off Monday to will be 1 week post op then 🙂 yea Lindsey it’s not as much pain just really uncomfortable I literally just sneezed now and i feel Ike I’ve ripped my stitches had the worst stabbing pain worst pain I’ve felt so far 🙁 scared that I’ve done some damage now 🙁 I’m so bored of moping around and finding it hard to get comfy and just walking around like I’ve got a weight on my chest I can’t imagine even going for coffe with friends I would be to scared xx
I am 9 days PO and feel great, not totally recovered , but great, I wouldn’t say I was ready to arm wrestle anyone but I certainly have full use of my arms back and the only pain in like a sort of achey feeling around my incisions and numb feeling boobs! I am absolutly amazed how fast the recovery is! I drove day 6 a short distance , then a long way on day 7 to go have my strapping removed
Ahh that’s so good when do you think you would be ready for a night out I’ve been invited out to a bar next Friday so I will be 11 days post op and don’t know if I will feel up to it I’m back to work 13 days post op hopefully I will be fine to drive by then xx
Hey Girls.. I’m the same feeling very sore and incisions feel very twingey on one side. One boob defo worse than the other!
Just want to feel normal again! Might be having strapping off tomorrow ( this will be 5 days post op) is this too soon?
Back at work Saturday 🙁 x
Yea my left side seems to hurt more 🙁 tomorrow that’s so soon bet your well excited and think most people don’t have strapping at all 🙂 I keep wondering what mine look like and because there so strapped up hasn’t sunk in that I’ve got boobs. Everyone says they feel so much better by day 5 so hopefully you will be fine I think I’m going to tell people at work I fell and bruised my ribs could always do that xx
Yeh it’s just the uncomfortable feeling, I laughed and sneezed and was scared I had pulled the stitches. I went for a short walk last night and was quite out of breath which I think is due to the strapping but then I felt emotional as I was overwhelmed with how tired I was. I’m hoping I’ll be feelin better by day 5, it’s only day 3 now and this morning I feel I’ve had a bit more movement with my arms. Giorgia I’m sure you’ll be fine with the strapping off, like Camilla said a lot of people don’t have it at all. Camilla I’m sure you’ll be fine for a drink next Friday, hoping we’ll be feeling a hundred times better by then! Any of you girls been worrying about your boobs? I think it’s because I can’t see them, but I’m panicking about all kinds of things, if I won’t like them, if they’ll be too big, rippling, re-op because of problems, god knows, I think it’s due to just sitting around my minds going into overdrive!! Xxx
regarding a night out , I know I wouldn’t feel comfortable just yet (9 days po) , still worried about people knocking me, I could happily go for a meal and drinks, anywhere I know ill have a seat and wont be pushed past really.
Im doing sober September though so I wont be hitting ant bars till at least October!!
Good to have you girlies to chat too whilst going through this 🙂
All the bad things have been going through my head too but it’s just because we are sat here doing nothing we need to think positive and that’s what will happen 🙂
Can’t wait to see them!! All I can think is anything will be better than before 🙂 xx
Glad it’s not just me! Yeh exactly it’s best to be positive and it’s nice to have you girls to talk to 🙂 I’m feeling much better again now and I think the swelling seems to have gone down slightly! Yeh that’s a very good point Hannah, I’m scared of people bumping into me, I have a day out planned with a friend next week but going to try and avoid any busy places and am considering getting taxis to work next week as I’m a bit worried about the tube. Xxx
Yea defiantly agreed nice to have people who are going through the same thing at the same time and people who have been through it to reassure you it’s getting better lol I’m starting to worry about rippling After reading about it on here didn’t think you would get it from a 300cc implant turns out you can but I’m sure it will be fine. I have a keloid scar on my leg and I’m worried I will keloid on my boobs to and when I get my strapping off worried about any problems and needing a re op as I couldn’t think of anything worse right now. Fingers crossed everything will be fine sounds like everyone has the same worries xx
Yeah Lindsey it’s the tube I’m worried about on Saturday eeeeekk xx
We just need to stay positive, we’re sitting at home and it’s playing on our minds because we can’t do anything to take out minds off it! I’m sure we will all be absolutely fine and will feel loads better in a few days! Yeh Giorgia I’m dreading the tube! I should be going on it on Monday to work and I know I won’t be able to stand if there’s no seats which is worrying me! Xxx
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