Hey I had my op a week and a half ago..
They take you up and you sit in the room next door with a nurse for about 5-10 mins just while they finish cleaning up in theatre.. she will just sit and talk to you and try to put your nerves at ease..
Then you walk into theatre which is a bit bazarre as all you can think about is this is wheee they’re gunna cut you open haha
You get on the table and the anaesthetist will be there .. if you have the same guy as me (Dr Bhaat) he’s hilarious and very good at making you feel calm.. then they put the cannula in.. I had mine in my arm (elbow crease) and some have it in their hand.. you’ll have a couple of different meds then the anesthetic.. then you go to sleep! Never saw my surgeon in the room before but he comes to see you before you go up there