Post op .. Kids, work clothing healing time ect Started by: laceymay

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    Girls and info would be great, i have a little girl 18 months now, how long will it be until i can be left alone with her? also i work in an office how many days would be best to have off, and one last thing with clothing.. did you girls buy tops that just buttond up at the front so no lifting arms?.. xxx

    tashiemash 1

    Hey babe! Not got any advice on the baby front lol but I’d advise 2 weeks! Just 2 chill and get used 2 things etc! U start 2 feel more able after 2wks! I work with horses which inc riding and took 3weeks off, and taking it easy now! As 4 the clothing don’t go wild!!!! I bought 2 zip up hoodies which I still wear (purely because the are comfy) and then 3 button up tops….. I havnt worn them since lol!! I tried 2 wear tops that I could step into aswel! Hope this helps hun :) xx


    ha ha thanks for that, my job isnt as demanding as yours I just sit at a desk all day and stare at the clock so i think a week wil be fine, now just to sort out the little one. thats gonna brake my heart not being able to pick her up and give her cuddles! xx


    ( stare at the clock ) lol … I healed really quick and was going to concerts in Hyde park every day ( week1) but if urge not going to tell anyone than many a week and a half would be better cause even if ur not in pain u would of picked up the holding ur books all the time habit xx also I was fine with my 2 kids mid way thru week 2 ( played on it a ill to get extra breaks :-P as fort the clothes I just got a t few sizes to big with big arm holes xx


    lol wowza this recovery sides like a plan to me! just to completely chill an not lift a finger for over a week whilst the other half takes over nappy changes bath times bed times, gettin up 50 times in the night, cleaning cooking walking the dog. Hes not gna know whats hit him lol well he always says i have it easy as i only do 16 hours a week, take care of our 18month old and do all house hold stuff!

    lets see ay.. muhahaha x

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