healing pretty well, i felt great after the initial op, was full of energy, thank the lord for drugs eh? hahah, apart from the majority of the pain being on the left hnd side its all ok (touch wood)
i had Kazzazi down in doncaster, he was lovely, man of few words tho
before my op i was a wee bit lopsided but obviously going bigger would make it more noticable, but when you think of it, it will only be us who notice it, no one else will be scrutanising our breasts as much as we do.
im sick of sports bras already, iv bought 6 in various sizes coz im not sure what ill be, but iv been told it will morethan likeliy be D cup.
and as for the sun, it can stay hidden whilst i heal lol, its an excuse to wear hiddious large tops,
haha and also my partner is going away to a motorbike rally this weekend so i hope it rains (that will teach him to leave me on my bill when i need things doing for me hahaha! im shocking i know)