Post op pain Started by: Maggie

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  • Maggie 13

    Hi guys. Can you tell me girls how does it look like post op? Meaning- can you walk and function or rather stay in bed and if so how many days ? I am just asking as I have 5 year old to look after and wonder if I will be able to manage to look after him as my hubby can’t have time off from work and my fam lives abroad co I can’t count on them. 🙁

    Adele 29

    im day 2 post op. I had 275cc overs so require less recovery than others but I couldn’t imagine having to look after a 5 year old these past couple days. I can walk but movement in my upper body is very restricted. If something happened that required you to have full use of your arms then I doubt you would be able to cope.

    I would definitely talk it through with a nurse/surgeon but I’m guessing you would want help for the first week of your recovery.

    Jessica 55

    I’ve got a two and four year old, I couldn’t do the school runs mainly because pushing the stroller but around the house I’m fine with them. I’m four days post op, had no pain but I am restricted with arm
    movement. Also very tired!

    My suggestion would be pre arrange a weeks worth of clothing so you don’t have to raise your arms or pull on things. Make up lots of frozen meals, pre arrange some activities that need your minimum input.

    Everyone reacts differently but that’s on my experience! Good luck

    Jessica 55

    Also must add I’m still doing housework somehow expect the hoovering as it’s too heavy. Maybe I’ve just been very lucky!


    I’m four days post op too… I have no kids but the first two days I couldn’t open doors or turn lights on or anything I’m loads better today… I’ve even tied my hair up… But I think everyone heals different.. Make sure your super prepared like Jessica said and get everything out so your not having to do too much. Xx

    Maggie 13

    Thanks girls. I have got cover for 6 days so I hope that will b enough.

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