Post Op Pain Advice? Started by: Lucy McMahon

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    Anyone else got anything other than pain killers that will help with stiffness? I feel like I can’t move.. not sure if it’s the horrendous sleep I’ve had on my first night.

    Also.. anyone else felt really sick? Nausea is driving me mad.. not having the best first
    Post op day 🙁

    Ashleigh 6

    I’ve been exactly the same. Had my Op on Monday and I’m struggling more with the nausea than the pain.
    They give you antisickness in hospital but don’t send you away with any xx

    HayH 28

    It’s does subside after the 1st 5 days to a week, try and eat little bits often, even if it’s a bite of toast and sips of water. To be honest I tried to sleep the days away as then I wasn’t aware of it. The 1st week is the worst. I’m still suffering with my back at 21dpo but it’s all part of it. Hope your feeling better soon xx


    Thank you ladies. My nausea and back off sleeping is probably doing my head in more than my stiffness! When did you have your first shallow bath? X

    Steph 9

    Hi girls

    I had terrible nausea – I even vomited on post op day! I established it was the antibiotics that were making me feel poorly as I felt so much better when I finished them. Just try to eat little and often as an empty stomach makes it worse. 4DPO is the day to aim for!


    Ashleigh 6

    I thought it was the antibiotics!! I stopped taking my pain relief in case it was them.
    I had my Op on Monday and didn’t realise I would be so limited to what I am able to do.
    I won’t have any support next week so I will just have to hope for the best xx

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