Post op pics with Kazzazi strapping Started by: LaurenMx

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    Hi girls

    I’ve been brave and decided to upload a few pics even though my nips look like Madonna cones and my belly is still bloated like I’m preggers!!! I’ve uploaded one with my strapping for all prospective mr Kazzazi girls, for me the strapping is the worst part! I cannot begin to describe how tight it is still now at 7 days post op!! I have also added a pic with a sports bra over strapping so you can see shape abit better but I’m hoping there will be a lot of change once my strappings off and they drop and fluff out!! Hope this helps xxx


    Looking good babe! Xx


    Thanks chick, I really don’t like them at the mo! I know I’ve just got to be patient, I’m just so jelous of all the girls who didn’t have to have the nasty strapping lol xx


    Can I add you Hun I’m having mr kazzazi? Xx


    Already got you ha silly me xxn


    Oh my haha his strapping is rather funky it will be me soon xx


    Lol Emma honestly it’s horrible chick!! Don’t want to put you off though lol, at least you’ve got an idea of what to expect now xxxx


    Yeah my PC had him and mentioned the cone look but wasn’t expecting that! Can you loosen it at all? Is it sleep able xx


    Nope your can’t loosen it it’s really sticky and thick lol! It’s hard but once your used to shallow breathing and the tightness your okay! I’ve been able to sleep fine because of the meds lol!! Been so woozy and light headed for the first week and slept like a baby!! Xxxx


    Good how long you had strapping on for? Xx


    I’ve had it on for 7 days, get it off Tuesday so will be 9 in total, as that was
    The only day next week they could fit me in for my post op to have it off! I think with mr kazzazi strapping they try and get it off between 7-10 days because the nurses know how tight he does it lol!! I’ve read on here a lot of girls can’t deal with his strapping and have to ring their PC and nurse to ask if they can take it off!! With how tight and sore I am I wouldn’t dream of taking it off myself! Plus he’s put it on for a reason so just ride it out untill your post op appointment Xxxx


    hey babe can i add you having kazazzi on 14th feb xxx


    Course chick xx


    Definitely agree about the strapping. I hate it. But like you said its there for a reason x having mine off to morrow so happy xx


    Ahhh Jamie Lea I’m so jel hehe!!! I cannot wait untill Tuesday!! Good luck with yours coming off let me know if it hurts or not!!! How are your boobies looking? Xxxx


    Yeah I will do. X yeah look ok I guess. Look small tho with strapping on. So a little worried I wont like the size of them 🙁


    Yeah I will do x they look okay I guess. They look small with the strap on. So a little worried I wont like the size of them 🙁


    Im the same hun have a look at my pics if you want, i think the strapping makes them look smaller coz how tight it is! Don’t forget they still need to drop and fluff out! Xxxx


    I will chick thanks x


    Yours look good hun.x mine prob look smaller because im looking down at them. Ill up load pics to morrow when I figure out how lol x


    Thanks hun! If you go on edit your profile theres a tab that says albums then if you click on that it gives you option to upload photos xxxx


    I’ve added some more photos now 9 days post op without stapping still very hard and stuck on look, hoping once they drop and fluff they look good! Just got to be patient xxxx

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