Post op problems? Started by: Amy

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  • Amy

    Hi 🙂

    I had my ba on sunday morning at London fitzroy and went home in the afternoon. I have a few questions because on the day I was very tired and didn’t ask many questions after my op.

    I’ve noticed that I have a dark patch underneath my strapping and not sure what it is. It’s only on my left boob. I have my post op appointment on Saturday. I’ve been in quite a lot of pain.. Been taking painkillers on time and they haven’t been helping much. Have been getting help from my hubby getting in and out of bed and doing everything. Pain has made me cry a couple times but I’m usually able to cope with pain.. Is that fairly normal and does it get better quite fast? It feels worse than when I had my c section. Also when i had my drains removed in hospital it only hurt my left boob and felt like bumps? Is that common? Was just wondering if any other girls have had any of these x

    Jessica 1

    I didn’t have drains with my op Hun, but I did have a dark patch under my strapping. I Felt puzzled for days thinking “what the hell could it be”. But I was good didn’t touch it it try to have sneaky look as I wasn’t in loads of pain but it was so tempting… Turned out it was just dry blood the nurse said when she removed my strapping (@ 1week po). If it was me personally I wouldn’t worry unless the pain in the area gets worse. However if you still v.Worried call your clinic they will have a nurse who can talk with you and help put your mind at rest. For me day 1-5 was pure agony. But suddenly I felt dramatically better on day 6. It was so strange. xxx


    Thanks hunni. That’s made me feel a lot better about the dark patch. Hopefully it’s the same as what you had. Can’t wait to have strapping off!! It’s so tight..Really looking forward to seeing my new boobs!! 😀

    Corrin 2

    I had my BA on Friday and the pain was quite bad on Saturday and sunday, was much better yesterday and no pain at all today and haven’t needed to take any more painkillers 🙂 the pain is just short term. Happy healing x x


    the drains being taken out in hospital hurt my right side a lot more! so I’m guessing one side got its nerves back quicker.. i wasn’t in as much pain as you sound like you’re in hun but everyone handles it differently i suppose.. the pain killers made me feel 10 times worse and didn’t really do anything other than make me feel groggy and constantly tired.. I cried a couple times during the 2 weeks resting time but i think thats because it was all so overwhelming not because i was in pain.. just try and bare with the pain unless its unbearable then take the pain killers but i started to take paracetamol instead of the cocodamol they gave me and that eased the pain off slightly.. hope you get better soon! x


    Thank you so much girls 🙂 put my mind at ease xx


    Nearly 2 weeks post op and I’m having pain in one side which I can only describe as similar to trapped wind – it’s a sharp stabbing type pain. I can also feel a small lump slightly larger than a pea. Is this likely to be air or a pulled muscle or maybe I’ve damaged the implant??
    Other implant is completely fine – feels like it’s been there for ever. Not taken any pain meds since day 2 as not needes


    Hi I am just over three weeks post op. The first week wAs quite painfull for me as I was expecting to feel ok after a couple of days but it did go on for longer & having two babies was a little tough. I was taking paracetamol 4 times a day at first then after three days just started yo take it two times a day. I stopped the ibuprofen twice a day on day 6. I must admit the antibiotics made me feel very poorly. My right boob was a little more tender than my left but I was using that more so it was expected. All is great now, boobs are sometimes a little tender but I am on the go all day with the babies so I just take things slowly. Hope u feel better soon x

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