Post revision surgery so worried! Started by: Hannah

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  • Hannah

    So I had 450cc in March 2019 was told I had capsular contract but only when tightening my muscle; nothing overly noticeable.
    Yesterday I finally had my revision surgery.
    I didn’t get to speak to the surgeon after but the nurse told me I had a small amount of scar tissue removed.
    When I got home I took a picture so I could see my progress post op
    I just looked at the photo and I’m so worried and freaking out my boob is completely straight under one of my nipples (the one that was the problem before) it’s really tight and doesn’t look anything like I expected!! I’ve attached two images below one of yesterday before my op and and from last night after surgery

    Any help would be amazing I’m so worried that the surgery has made something that was really nothing into a big problem!

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Hannah.
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    Post op photo

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    Jasmin 17

    Did you have new implants put in? Could it be that it just needs to re settle again, and drop down again xx


    Hi jasmin, thank you for replying yeah I had new implants put back in And scar tissue removed but now one has a kind of line in it and is completely flat not round. I’m hoping so one seems okay it’s just the one that had scar tissue xx


    Hi girls!
    I’m hoping you can help as I am waiting for revision surgery. I had been waiting for 6months for someone to get back to me. I finally got an appointment with Dr. Mileto who went through exactly what he could do, making me feel so at ease and happy that something could be done
    I have just been told by MYA that he has rejected my case. I am confused about that process. Have any of you have a similar experience


    Hi! You’ll have a fight on your hands, it takes a lot of pressuring them to get the revision surgery to go ahead! Mine took about 2 and a half years but I’ve heard of other girls that are still trying 5-10 years later

    Mr mileto was my original surgeon but doesn’t work at the clinic close to me anymore.( so I had to find a different surgeon for my revision.)
    I wouldn’t be too disappointed; I’ve heard of a few people needing revision after him so maybe you got a lucky break!
    I’d tell them that you want a 2nd opinion from another surgeon and literally ring them every other day for an update

    Natalie 1

    Hi girls, I’ve been for my first post op today n I’m a little disappointed. I’ve gone under the muscle and although I’m healing fine I seem to be shrinking. I thought they’d get a bit bigger in time but the nurse says not. I would be gutted if this is what the size is going to be. She mentioned revision but I’m not sure how that would work. Do you have to pay again. X


    Hey Natalie, unfortunately when the swelling goes and they settle do they do get smaller. I think If it’s down to size then you do have to pay again x


    Hey, when you had your revision surgery were you under/over before/after?

    I’m under and mr mileto has recommended for me to go over for my revision surgery. Just concerned

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