Post surgery healing and bruising? Started by: Casey

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  • Casey 4

    Hey Girls!

    Had my op on Saturday, obviously felt very tight chested since and that “punched in the chest” feeling but I felt fine today up until now!

    I didn’t have drains in after the op as is wasn’t needed and therefore I just had a bit of tape over the incisions. Whilst laying down my left one started stinging and looks and feels like the tape has rolled up a bit and is digging into the scar! whist trying to take a photo to look at it I noticed my chest is all green/grey assuming it’s bruising but haven’t seen anyone else get this?! ?

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    Hannah Fitz 48

    I’m exactly the same hun don’t worry about it ? xx
    I’m taking arnica and it seems to be working, it’s bringing it out and now it’s going down xx
    And with the dressings mine have also done the same, their all wiggly and rolled lol xxx

    Casey 4

    Thanks for replying Hannah! It’s just annoying I felt much less pain day 2 but now it hurts when I move in certain positions just because the tape is digging in!

    Can already feel the swelling going down. Boobs are smaller already?

    Lacey 7

    I’ve just had my strapping off and I have green on me too! Don’t worry xx

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