Post surgery preperation Started by: Shannie

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  • Shannie 8

    Hi girls,
    So im in dec 20th for my ba, with having a 1.5yro and 3yro i need to recover as quickly as possible or aid my body to as best as i can. Are there any tablets/oils/creams natural vitamins anyone could recommend that helped aided recovery? Or any tips on easing pain/how to do daily tasks easier?

    Thankyou xx

    Sherrie 27

    Try and get them to send you home with co codamol and ibuprofen then make sure you take them at regular intervals for the first few days. I also took arnica and vitamin c with zinc and up your protein intake even if it means protein shakes. Drink plenty of water and eat well as it helps the body recover. I’d say you’re best being super prepared for Xmas day before your op. I found the first few days were the worst but I was still able to look after myself and do small bits of housework etc. Xx

    Shannie 8

    Great ill look up the arnica and vitamins, and good idea about the protine i never thought of that ill go buy some protein bars…yes i am getting sorted for xmas so i not be doing any last min rushing, thanks so much for your advice xx

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