Post surgery sleeping Started by: Ruth

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  • Ruth 116

    Hiya ladies,
    Just wondering how you found skeeoung after surgery and how long you slept elevated for? x

    alicia 7

    Hey I’m only day 2 post op and I’ve been sleeping quite comfortably using a bed wedge with 2 pillows on top of it, another pillow under my bum and a v pillow round the side of me and a travel pillow on my neck?it’s been ok so far & I’ve been recommended to do this for 2 weeks x x

    Linsey Waite 10

    I stopped sleeping upright and went onto my back probably after around 10 days, and then slowly started going onto my side at 2 weeks post op! (I did have a breast reduction with no implants though!)

    Ruth 116

    Thank you ladies. I’m managing ok sleeping upright (well I’m not the best sleeper anyway) but I’m a side sleeper, can’t wait to get back on my side. I’m 6dpo currently xx

    Millie-Rose 33

    I started sleeping flat back (rather than propped up) after my one week post op appointment when I was told I could sleep however I felt comfortable. I started sleeping on my side around 10dpo and I’ve been sleeping totally normally since about 15dpo (currently 3.5wpo) x

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