Pr opp with nurse Started by: Maxine

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  • Maxine 10

    Hi girls it’s a little way off but on 22july I have my pre opp what happens and is there any questions I need to ask. Thanks xx

    Amber 72

    I had my pre op about 2 weeks ago, they take some before pictures of your breasts so that you can compare at your 6weeks or 3 months post op (can’t remember which one). They may take some blood samples,and they will ask you to swob the inside of your nose and armpits – this is to check for mrsa. The nurse will also go through complications, aftercare and what will happen the day of your surgery. Your height and weight will also be taken. I left without having to ask any questions due to the nurse already answering them. They give you all the information you need xx

    Maxine 10

    Thank you so much @amber18 good luck with your surgery be good to see how it all goes xx

    Amber 72

    Thanks hun, good luck to you as well! Exciting times ahead for the pair of us ? xx

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