Pre-Op Started by: hostie

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  • melissa

    Hi Mary, im currently a 34A but just about fill an A cup :( I told Mr singh that I wanted to be a full C or small D so he recommended either 340cc unders or 380cc unders – after trying both on in sports bra i decided to go for the 380’s so i hope i am a small D but dont really want to be any bigger than that xx Not long left for you now Mary!!! Bet your excited!!! Good Luck xx


    yeah thanks!! are you??

    yeah, im the same tbh. so long as theres more there than there is now i think ill be very happy! haha.

    thats good that youve got two weeks off then! 🙂 ive only told one person at work. didnt really wanna tell anyone else cos they’ll just think im stupid for getting my boobs done! lol. my boss doesnt know. do people know who you work with? xxx


    Morning hun u ok?

    Ohhh thats brill il pay over the phone asap then!

    Ohhh im having 460cc overs.. he gave me the 410s and said il prob be happier with the result of 460s. im a 34 b (wear a c padded bra ) so hoping to go to a d ish as well ( as long as there round/firm/ little higher ) i dont car what size really…. will see ! haa

    Oh really – yeah that sould be enough time off.. u can still recover whilst your @ work if jobs not to strenuous. Im an air stewardess so up on my feet all day. have got over 2 weeks off.. YOu told anybody you work with? xx


    yeah. well i had


    hello hun
    WOW wish mine was that early…. 3 weeks brill 🙂
    i had booked mine for then too but had to put back a month to get time off work.
    Did you pay all of yours


    hi hostie! yeah, i’m all good thankyou darlin’, you?

    i live in huddersfield, west yorkshire, so i go to the leeds office (i wish i lived in london!! haha!) is that the office you go to?

    i told the nurse after my pre-op that i needed to pay the rest of my money, but the lady i needed to see wasn’t in, so i just rang the leeds office yesterday after work & paid over the phone! :)

    i know what you mean about the photos! i didn’t feel very comfortable, lol. but hey! we’ve gotta do this things to get the boobies we want!

    yours is november isn’t it? mine is on the 16th of october – 3 weeks tomorrow!!! :bigsmile: i’m so impatient! haha. xxx


    Hey bex u ok hun?

    glad it went well was yours in LDN i went and had mine today.
    but she still didnt say much about the payment do i just send em a cheque?
    the photos was a bit “cringe” haaa.
    But i have a while to wait till my actual op so will have to read through letters & remind my self what to do and not to do! heee .. when’s your again hun? xx


    hi hostie!

    i had my pre-op last night. my nurse is called dawn and she’s lovely! she went over my forms with me that i’d filled in in my first consultation & took my height & weight. then she went through the do’s and don’t before the op and after and what to expect, then took 5 photos of my boobs. it went fine! and has made me even more excited for my op now!! :cheer: xxx



    i am the same i am unsure whether to have the 380cc or 410cc overs!!!! i think i will email lizzie my pc and ask her advice!

    my ba is on mon 28th and cannot wait hehe xxx


    Aw thank you Melissa, yes i am excited & nervous!

    I think il have to ask on the day iv got the 380’s & 410’s on order now…..when im readin ev1 else stories its makin me indecisive, i realy would like to be a D but not a C. Its soo hard….


    Hello ladies

    im having my ba November 18th @ highgate i have my pre-op this wed 23rd sept @ Kilbourn.

    Just wanted to ask what is involved in the pre-op? Is this the last time i hear from Mya till my actualy Op in Nov?
    When do i pay for the whole thing? i left a depposit of


    Hi Melissa,

    I was just wondering what size r u now? an what size would u like to be?

    Im having the 380 partial unders on 12th October, im between 34a/b and hoping to be a D?? but by reading other peoples stories im confused if i will be a C not a D i want?


    hi hostie!

    i will deffo let you know tomorrow how my pre-op went!

    my parents are not so keen. when i first told my mum she wasn’t very impressed, but she agreed to come to the consulations with me & she feels a lot better about it now she knows what actually happens, and all those myths have been put to rest! my dad – not happy! haha. he says i’m fine the way i am & i don’t need any form of plastic surgery, blah blah. hah. but i just tell him he doesn’t understand what it’s like & how i feel. he says it’s my body at the end of the day so there’s nothing he can do about it, but he isn’t happy about it. my sister is also super worried, bless her, but she understands why i’m getting it done. she’s only 15 and has dd boobies!! (SO not fair! haha.) i think you should just go for it & tell your mum. whatever her reaction, at least she knows then & can help you while you’re healing if needs be :) xxx


    Melissa, aw yeah that would’ve been nice, I don’t know anyone else on the same day as me but we can still keep each others nerves at bay over the next few weeks!! Yes very excited, it still seems so far off though.

    Hostie, yeah I read you had to put your date back, it has to be the right time though doesn’t it. Hmmm, just when I think I’m sorted with sizes something changes my mind again. Today I’m more 410 than 460 cos made up rice boobs, one in each size haha.
    I think it’s nice if your parents know only because you won’t have to hide how you’re feeling after the op, a few of the girls have said you can get quite emotional. Having said that I have only told my hubby, no-one else knows. My mum is very pro-surgery but i don’t want to be made to feel guilty for spending that amount of money and that’s what I think they’ll have a problem with. Have you told your sis? xxx


    Hello girlys

    thanks for your reply

    Bex – let me no how your pre-op goes.. not long now left for you. Bet your so excited.. what your parents say about it?

    thanks Rio… I was meant to have mine on same day as you. 21st but put it back to nov 18th. not long now is it really for you. Let me no everything … heehe :)
    thanks for the info on the pre-op day. know more of what to expect now. I will tell parents soon just worried… I will get the big sister to come back me up :)

    You settled on your size yet huny?

    Hostie xxx


    oh thats close :) shame its not same day that would av been nice – im having it done by Mr Singh im havin 380cc unders r u as excited as me?? xxx


    Hi Melissa, I’m having mine 21st Oct so we’re not too far off each other. Who’s doing it and what size are you having hun?

    Rio xxx


    Hiya girls im am avin my BA on 23rd Oct and have not had a pre op yet and have been told i will have one about 2 weeks before op – im worrying now – i’ve only got


    Hi Hostie, i’ve just had my pre-op a few days ago. The nurse goes through medical questions with you to make sure you’re fit and well for surgery. she goes through anything you need to do beforehand and tells you what to expect post op, including post op appointments.
    She’ll take height, weight, blood pressure and take pics, nothing to worry about at all.



    hi hostie!

    i have my pre-op tomorrow & i’m paying the rest of my money then. i’m book in for my op on the 16th of october.

    don’t feel guilty! if it’s what you want then go for it! i’m 20 & i’ve wanted it done for sooo long. i’ve just waited for my boobs to grow & they never have! i can’t waittt :crazy: xxx

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