pre op? Started by: lindsey

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  • lindsey 123

    ive got my pre op on the 17th.. what happens and what do the ask you?? xxx

    Charlie 29

    Hiya nothing scarey at all about pre op it’s just lots of medical questions that you answer yes or no to , blood pressure , weight , cotton bud swab in nostril and arm pit to test for MRSA , and some before photos , it will be done with he nurses and they are lovely then they will make you an appointment to see you again for you one week post op appointment , it’s all exciting to think the next time you go there after pre op you will have your new boobs 🙂 xx

    lindsey 123

    thanks hun. n I no its soooo exciting I’ve booked for the 21st of oct cant wait but its going to take foreveaa. Did you wait long on day of your surgery. is there any medical questions they can ask you that would stop you being able to have it done? xx

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