PRE OP!! Started by: lucii

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  • lucii 8

    Hi girlies!!
    I’ve just got off the phone with MYA and paid and booked my op for the 25th of January (let me know if any of you are booked in for then!)

    I’ve got my pre op booked in for the 16th December, just wondering if anyone can let me know what happens?

    Also do you see the surgeon again betwenn now and the op day or its that it?
    Thank you! xxx

    Jodie 43

    @lucii I haven’t actually had mine yet because they scheduled it 9 weeks before my actual operation and I had to reschedule it, but apparently they take swabs of your nose, ear and armpits and take your weight and height and ask you medical questions and take before pictures, I don’t think you get to see your surgeon until your op date now, unless you book in another consultation with him/her. My op is booked in for 17th January, can’t wait!! xx

    lucii 8

    Sorry for the late reply hun it never rells me when someone has commented!!!
    I had my pre op tuesday! I had to have blood taken because im underweight but fingers crossed everythings fine!!

    Youll have to let me know how the op goes mines booked for the 25 jan! Soooo exciting!!xx

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