Pre Op Advice Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi ladies only 10 days to go before I get my new boobies. At my pre op the nurse mentioned taking arnica tablets to reduce bruising etc. I just can’t remember at what point pre op I’m supposed to start taking them. Had to belive that from consultation with pc to op day is only working out at 19 days in total.

    Helen 111

    hiya louise, where can you get arnica tablets? i know I bruise badly and cuts take ages to heal from previous injuries so anything to speed up the process would be good xx


    My nurse said you can buy them from Holland & barret I’m just unsure as to how long pre op I should be taking them for. She said I will still get bruising but won’t appear as bad and not last as long.

    Rachel -1

    I was advised to take 2 pills 4 times a day for a week preop and then 2 pills 6 times a day for a week post op!

    Rachel -1

    I did as advised and have had literally no bruising at all and am 2 days post op! Very happy

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