Pre-Op: No Proper Health Checks – Very Concerning Started by: Jessica I

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  • Jessica I 5

    Hi All! So I recently had my pre-op appointment, as my surgery is on 26th May (very soon eek!!).
    I was quite shocked that they only did an armpit and nose swab of a body bacteria and measured my blood pressure.

    No blood test or mammogram. Which I find quite shocking, like they want to find as less wrong with you so we all qualify for the surgery.
    I am now researching to do my own tests.

    I asked the nurse why she doesn’t take blood test, she only replied that I look healthy and my history is fine.
    Great, but that isn’t very thorough. Most of us, young girls, hardly go to doctors for check ups unless something is very wrong. Most of us are probably healthy enough, but I can’t stop but wonder of their professionalism.

    Before booking with MYA, I’ve seen 3 different clinics/surgeons in London. They all, no exceptions, required blood tests 2 weeks prior surgery, JUST TO BE SURE.
    I gave them the same answers as to MYA, but they all seemed more cautious of who to operate. As it’s quite a big deal and will last many years.

    Anyway, I just hope I’m not the only one who’s concerned that MYA aren’t very thorough and just want as many patients as possible…


    Blood tests should be a requirement so they know your blood type in case you need a blood transfusion because of excessive bleeding during surgery! x


    Strange. I had a blood test on my pre-op. Maybe its something to do with what you write in your notes/questionare thing. As for a mammogram, why would they give you one of those? They’re quite expensive and its hard enough to get one when you have a cancer scare. If they did offer pre-op mammograms it would put the cost of the procedure up quite a bit! Did your doctor not check your breasts when you had your surgeon consultation? If he didn’t feel anything then, i’m sure you have nothing to worry about! Your swabs pick up on quite a lot like MRSA and infections. The bloodtest would only really tell them about medication levels, aenemia (i was on antideppressants and also had anemia which is why i had blood tests) and pregnancy. They do a pregnancy test the morning of the op though! You should just call the out of hours nurse and talk to her about it though! she’d have no reason to lie to you! x


    I know there’s a letter they send to your gp stating the op your having and gp confirms the all okay to say your fit and healthy to go ahead with the op. I recently had a blood test to confirm all okay but I trusted my gp would make an informed decision to give the of ahead based on medical history.

    Jessica I 5

    I understand what you all are saying, but I just find it concerning that other 3 clinics required brand new blood tests/some asked for mammograms regardless of what GP says. As it’s an operation with full anaesthesia


    I was worried when I didn’t have a blood test but she said that I didn’t need one, even though I don’t even know my blood type xx


    Oh god I find this really worrying now as I have had a blood transfusion in the past and they didn’t check my bloods at pre op either wha if I need another transfusion?! Xx


    I had a blood test as well but I think that was because I have had a DVT before and was on medication xx I had hip surgery on NHS last year under general and all the same pre op tests that mya did, height weight swabs etc never would have expected a mammogram unless I was in the age bracket and hadn’t had one xxx they do write to your gp as well so if there was anything that would cause concern your gp would contact them x you could lie on your medical questionnaire to say there was nothing wrong with you when really you are being treated for something x maybe the other two clinics it’s a stipulation of their insurance policy might depend how many people have tried to sue them in the past because somethings gone wrong x

    Amy 19

    i never had a blood test or anything, only had the swabs. i think if they thought you really needed a blood test and if your gp says anything thats to be concerned about then they’d probably do one. i never had a pregnancy test the day of my op either, they just asked if i thought i was pregnant. everyone must do things differently 🙂 xx


    They have access to your nhs records I took my post op note to my doctor same day and all my breat Aug was on my nhs medical file so don’t panic they would have had a good look


    I had to have a blood test as I’d needed a previous blood transfusion and was anemic in my pregnancy .
    I understand your concerns maybe call them and ask the reason so ur mind can be put to rest they do contact gp before surgery .
    Good luck xx


    I had a blood test but on my medical history I said I had heavy periods which apparently they needed it for that as she said I bleed easily.

    Nicole 1

    I had them due to low BMI. .

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