PRE OP TOMOZ – what do they go through? Started by: SJ

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  • SJ

    Hi I have my pre op tomoz, do they take you’re bloods? Also what questions do they ask? I’m abit nervous haha 2 weeks after this I have my op! Eeeek. Thanks ladies 🙂


    I had my pre op two weeks ago. The nurse goes through your medical history and asks a few questions. She explained what to expect after the op and what I should/ shouldn’t do pre op. She then took a couple of pictures of my boobs then it was out! I didn’t need bloods but some people do. She will also take blood pressure and your weight. Hope this helps! Xx

    Nicole 1

    Think only take bloods if you have low BMI or some other issue that could affect things. I also had an Mrsa swab. Think the bloods was full blood count and clot screen. X

    candybabey 3

    They will only take blood if your surgeon has requested for them, the nurse will take your weight, height and blood pressure then she will take swabs and then explain the dos and don’ts and book you in for your one week post op appointment


    Thank you so much ladies that helps a lot! I’m very excited now xxx

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