my pc advised me to eat a big meal before my preop as I’ll be having my bloods taken and it makes it easier, what did you girls have beforehand?
I panic at the smallest things but I just don’t want to be feeling faint as I fainted once after having bloods taken xxx
Hey Sammy, I wasn’t even told that I was going to be having bloods taken and i’m a wimp when it comes to needles lol! I had before hand though. Bring some cheese and onion crisps and lucozade or redbull with you for after incase you feel a little dizzy. The nurses are really lovely and you will be just fine 🙂 Good luck xx
Aw thank you!! I’ll have them handy in my bag for after 😀
Do you know if i’ll i see my PC in my pre-op? Or just the nurse and surgeon?
I know i probably don’t need anything specifically for my pre-op but did you take anything? and actually thinking about it I might have read it up online about bloods! I must just research everything too much! I’m rubbish when it comes to preparation! xxx
haha, you are welcome Sammy 🙂 have you had your surgeon consultation? I had my surgeon consultation and then my pre-op with nurse straight after then I saw my PC. If you have already had your surgeon consultation then you will see the nurse and she will take some swabs from under your arm pit and your nostrils. Ask you some medical information, take your height, weight and blood pressure, take some photos and possibly take bloods it all depends really hun. You may see your PC after also. You don’t really need to bring anything with you. I had my bloods taken for nothing as I had to cancel my surgery due to the surgeon not being able to give me what I want lol xxx
i had my consultation with my patient coordinator, paid my deposit and booked up, I saw Mr traynor for a surgeon consultation a few years back but I didn’t any further with it, so me and my pc agreed to do surgeon consultation and pre op on the same day if I was happy to, so I’ll be doing that, my only worry is not being completely happy with what he recommends size wise but I do trust him, but then again if he only offers me a small implant with what I want I will doubt myself, I just want as big as possible, my pc recommended mr traynor to me for what I’m looking to achieve so I’m nervous!!! I just want him to say he can fit a big implant in and ill be over the moon! Lol
I’ll be trying implants on today as I haven’t done that this time around yet, thank you for the advice, oh i saw that he wouldn’t offer to put in what you wanted, you found somebody who will haven’t you now? Xxx
@ sammy Jane I was never told to eat or not eat before my pre op x
I was just told to drink a litre of water before my bloods, make sure you’re hydrated otherwise the blood won’t come out like it did with mine, I had to go all the way back up to the clinic because when I asked my doctors they said they wouldnt do it because I’m going private for surgery xx
Same as me then. You will see surgeon first, the nurse then your PC. I have now found someone that is giving me 570cc – 590cc motiva implants 100% filled and fat grafting to prevent further rippling. Make sure you get a 2nd opnion if he can’t offer you what you want and good luck hun xx
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