Preparation for Op Started by: Amy Hughes

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  • Amy Hughes -1

    All booked in for the 11th April in Preston with Dr Traynor. Have my surgeon appointment in 8 days then pre-op 2 days later.

    I’ve looked at other forums that said get some hibiscrub to shower in the night before and the morning of the op.
    I’ve got some macom bras coming.

    Any other general advice is welcome!
    What to take with me?
    What to wear?!
    Literally anything at all that you think would be helpful pre and post op would be gratefully received. Xx

    Amy 12

    Im 4 dpo, make sure you have plenty of pillows as you cant lay flat for a while and also button up or zip upclothes, trousers that are easy to pull up without a button as its hard to pull together first few days xx

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Amy 12.
    Anna 7

    Sounds like you are prepared!

    I am so close to opp day and I am getting terrified and it’s ruining the process what shall I do xx

    Hayley 48

    I am at Preston with Mr Traynor on the 10th April, still need to get all of my things together to take with me. I have my pre op on Monday. Now it’s getting closer I’m so nervous, I’ve spent twelve years wanting them done and now it’s booked and paid it still doesn’t feel like it’s sunk in properly that it is actually happening and quite soon xx

    Julia 9

    I’m 2 dpo with Mr Traynor at Preston, take slippers for walking through to theatre, a book/mag for the wait. I also took cool packs but haven’t needed them as yet. I bought a travel pillow on the way home which has been a God send as trying to sleep sitting up is pretty awkward without it. It’ll be here before you know it, exciting times xx

    Sbowdell 15

    Definitely something to keep you occupied like iPad/books/magazine. I had to be there for 8am and didn’t go down to theatre till 1230, plus you have to stay for up to 6 hours post op!
    My saving grace has been my V pillow. Keeps you in the upright position initially and now I’m over 4wpo I wedge it between the bed and my boobs when I’m sleeping on my side for more support.
    I wore I zip up top a loose joggers as it’s not easy to get dressed afterwards (my arms felt dead). Take all the pain killers they will give you, I am allergic to codeine so struggled on just paracetamol and I found it quite hard plus anti sickness if you feel sick. I vomited for hours after ?.
    Slippers and a dressing gown are a must for walking to theatre and don’t forget to take some before pics so you can admire the difference later!!!
    Anyone panicking or getting scared, honestly I had the best experience (I didn’t go with MYA, however I presume the routines/processses are pretty similar) but there is literally nothing to worry about and the staff do it day in day out, are very well trained and know what they’re doing. If you are panicking or anxious on the day, tell the nurses they will reassure you. Hope this helps!!! Xx

    Leah 5

    Hi girls, I’m booked in the 11th of April, with dr Trainor at Preston. I’ve decided on 450cc, I’m a 34b now. Was wondering g what size post opp bra to buy? Thanks in advance xx

    Amy Hughes -1

    @Leah May see you there! I’m hoping for 450cc too. I’m getting the macom ones as you only need to know your band size.

    Thank you everyone for all the advice!
    I’ve wanted this for such a long time nearly 20 years!) I’m 34. And finally it’s happening. Xx


    Hi all , I’m one day post op with Dr Traynor I went with 375 and 275 as I had very bad asymmetry as well as a modified uplift !
    I was a c and d cup originally
    I ordereded a medium Malcom bra and it’s fine for me I measure a 34 back !
    Take lots of magazines , I also took flavoured water as they like you to drink loads afterwards and I don’t really like plain water
    Tell your chaperone to bring ours if food and drink for wairvakthough there is a snack bar but open 10-4?
    Get lots of zip up tops and loose leggings god send x x
    Good luck !!
    After surgery make sure you get strong painkillers they send you home with paracetamol and ibuprofen but I called my doc for stronger ones on way home although everyone is different with pain x


    Hey Kerry, I know this was a while ago but I was reading through the forum haha. I was the same bra size before and I’m getting the same 375cc, I was wondering if you had any before and after photos you wouldn’t mind sharing? x

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