Preston over night Started by: Paula moran

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    Hi I’m having good my op at the Preston first trust x how many have had it done there and have gone home after as I’ve been told to stay in hotel but would prefer to go home

    Summer 5

    @paula79simone I’m in on the 6th of November and I live 2 hours away so I have been told that I need to stay within 1 hour of the hospital just incase anything happens or I need to go back for anything. I’m just going to book a travelodge nearby and then travel home first thing in the morning. By the sounds of things most people leave the hospital quite late anyways so I don’t mind having a pit stop before going straight in a long car journey xx

    Stacey 498

    I had mine done at Preston on the 14 June I stayed over at the ibis after having it done witch is like 5 mins away from hospital I only stayed the night there tho as I lived nearly 3 hours away and felt groggy and tired from the anstetic if I’d of lived closer I would of defo went straight home xx


    I had my op in Preston yesterday and was home the same day x


    Amy-belle how far away from the hospital do you live hun

    Kelly Anne 4

    Hi hun I had my op there yesterday and they said the same however I requested I wanted to go home x good luck xx


    1 hour 20 Hun xxx


    Ok thanks ladies xx

    Stephanie 137

    I had my op there, admission time was 2pm and was discharged at 8.30pm, I stayed in the Ibis just few mins away. Didn’t feel comfortable being in a car straight after surgery, I was 2hrs 30mins away. I left the ibis the next morning though and was fine 🙂 I booked the ibis on a few weeks in advance and paid £65 for the room. Hope this helps 🙂

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