Preston tomorrow (26th) & work from bed? Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Anyone else in tomorrow? I’m in at 10am and the apprehension has set in! Every thought is racing through my head about things going wrong, needing re-ops etc but I guess that’s normal.. I just can’t help thinking I’ll have every complications under the sun, loads of pain etc.. Such a massive baby and a worrier; bad combo!

    My dissertation is also due next Friday (6 days post op) and idiotically of me, it’s not quite finished yet – were any of you post op girls able to sit up in bed typing soon after? If so, how soon? I’d have preferred to have it completely done now, but it’s only proof reading and fixing grammar mistakes so not the end of the world I guess. Just trying to be realistic about how much time I have left to get it! x

    Laura 13

    I had college work which i did at 5 days post op. Could of managed sooner but wasnt in a rush.


    Good luck I had mine yesterday, I’m okay on my iPad just make sure you don’t strain yourself, I was up and about yesterday and noticed two tiny bloody spots on my plasters so I’m staying in bed now. I’m sure you’ll have no problem getting it done, it will probably help take your mind of them if they’re uncomfortable as well xx


    Oh good. I haven’t had general anesthetic since I was about 7, so wasn’t sure how long it’d make me sleepy/a bit mental for. Just need to feel awake and be able to focus to go through the world’s most boring piece of work 🙂 If anything it’ll stop me from straining myself as I’ll be sat in bed doing it all day! Oh to be a student haha


    I have my dissertation due on the 7th may and only half way through! I had my op on Wednesday and tried to do some this morning and still felt drowsy. Will start again Sunday/Monday x


    I have my opp tomorrow too! I am sooooooooooooooooo nervous now! my biggest worry is for some reason if they cant do it haha, & the anaesthetic scares me, I have never had it before! I have just had my admission time for 8AM! so I have to leave my house at like 5am but im glad in a way so im not sitting around working myself up all day!xxx


    Good luck with your diss Daniella, glad I’m not on my own with it haha! Yeah I’m worried about being too sleepy to concentrate! Saysha are you at Preston? My admission was 8am but they swapped me to 10 boo haha! I want it over and done as quick as poss. If you’re anything like me you’ll probs wake up at 5am from anxiousness anyways so at least you’ll have less time to wait 🙂 Good luck! xx


    Good luck for tomorrow I was exact same as you!! Worrying about not waking up to them turning out a mess and just being a disaster but the staff are so reassuring and it’s not half has bad as you expect, the op I mean!! Hahaa good luck though chick 🙂 xoxo


    Oh good Chantelle, glad yours went well! I think I’m going to have to pretend it isn’t happening so I get any sleep whatsoever! xx


    Having a long long wait. Got here at 10 and won’t go down until 2 earliest! Anyone know when roughly I’ll get out, like how long it takes to discharge you? I’m soo hungry!! Also starting to get scared of the pain and waking up all disorientated! Hopefully will be okay though x


    This was same as me yesterday, you have to stay in for three hours afterwards. I woke up groggy but just nodded off for a bit again. Good luck xx


    Is it three hours from when you wake up, or three hours straight out of surgery ? Was really hoping I’d be done by now, feeling quite calm, but want to go down before that wears off! X


    I didn’t end up going down till about quarter to five after checking in at ten but it went surprisingly quick. Think it’s 3 hours from back at your room xx


    Okay great! I just want it to be over, I’m such a bad patient! Hope you’re feeling well today! X

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