Preventing sagging – do I go smaller?? Started by: Natasha

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  • Natasha -3

    Hey guys! I’m booked in for surgery on 22nd august.

    I’m getting an uplift with implants and have been offered round HP 325cc, 350cc or 375cc overs. Current stats are 5ft 2 9 stone 3 34B.

    I’m quite short but also a little broader as I go to the gym regularly. When I tried on the 350ccs I didnt feel they looked huge on me (photo attached).

    I am worried though that going too big will mean I don’t get the perky result I’m looking for as they’re more likely to sag over time. I feel this is even more the case as Ive not been offered under the muscle or dual plane. I’ve attached a photo of how I want to look! Does anyone have any tips/advice please?

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Natasha -3.
    Natasha -3

    Photo attached

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    Natasha -3

    And front

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    Natasha -3

    And desired outcome…

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    I’m booked on for revision because this happened to me. I’ve decided to go smaller

    Natasha -3

    Thanks Sarah, how long before they sagged? And what size did you originally go for and which size are you opting for now please? Xx


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    Not long at all actually almost straight away. I went for 350cc and now I’m going for 300 xx

    Annmarie 4

    I’m booked in for 9th sept my consultant said 275 300 or 325 under I’ve gone for the biggest as I’ve got so much skin to fill I’m now worried about it not filling it all
    Up and one else had this problem
    Or before and after pics please I’ve waited 10 years to get it done and want them to be perfect 😍 I’m a very small 32a/b he also suggested I’ve got sagging but didn’t say if I need an uplift thanks girls

    Natasha -3

    Hey lovely, I ended up going for 375cc overs which was the biggest I was allowed. I did also have an uplift as my boobs were sagging post weight loss. They say that implants alone will basically be like your boobs but just bigger, so depending on how severe the sagging is will have a bearing on whether or not you choose to have an uplift too. I’m only 30 so was unhappy with the shape of my boobs I felt they looked older than my age if that makes sense. I’m 2 weeks post op and really happy with the results so far. Let me know if you have any questions x

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    Hannah 32

    Hi Natasha!! How are yours looking now? I’ve just had 350 overs and an uplift and they’re looking similar to yours xxx

    Christine 27

    Jumping on this thread as I’m having 375cc overs so also interested in how they are looking now xx

    Natasha -3

    Hey girls, sorry I’ve only just seen this! Really happy with the results over a year on. Happy to send you pics if you’re on Instagram – my handle is nleejohnson xx

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