problems with finance.. Started by: Hayley

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  • Hayley

    Just wondering if any of you girls had trouble getting finance sorted with ‘pay4later’. Ive been accepted but when paying my deposit they’ve asked for pictures of identification to be uploaded, first tried passport and then driving license. Both been rejected? pictures are fine and show everything that needs to be shown. Anyway they’ve took £ deposit but said it was unsuccessful. When trying to speak to someone at the finance company over the phone I just get an automated service saying I need to phone MYA. I cant loose out on that money took me a while to save. Don’t even know if the finance is going ahead as money has been paid but said identifcations were unsuccessful 🙁


    Do you know what is so weird… Not once throughout my journey was I asked for ID except on the day of my consultation and I didn’t have any on me… Iv not shown them any proof of age! Bit shocking really! I’d ring your PC tomoz xx


    yeah I got asked for ID when I went for consultation but didn’t think I’d need it for finance, the page only popped up after I’d put my card details in and paid! Im going to phone again tomorrow, I phoned tonight but basically got told its nothing to do with MYA and its finance company that sorts it. Shame I cant speak to a real person on phone! xxx


    did you get it sorted? I have a consultation with Dr Singh on thursday and want to book and pay asap… as long as all goes as expected. Anyway…I need to do finance but I’m putting a deposit of around 1500-1800 down… I don’t want to have this problem :-/ …and what did you have to do for ID… scan it in or something?
    i’ll be grateful of your reply!!! thanks xx


    Get a Loan with your bank it’s cheaper!! That’s what I did xx

    Holly 4

    0% interest credit card is worth a try as well!


    Hi Hayley did you manage to get it sorted? I’m in the exact same boat! Sent a photo of my driving license and it was rejected sent a clear photo again and it’s been rejected and they said it will be down to the decision of the retailer whether it goes through… so confused!

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