Progress: 23DPO, 325cc, Mod Plus, under the muscle Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi ladies

    Just wanted to share my progress shots for the past three weeks
    I’m 23 days post op had 325cc Mod + under the muscle was a 30C to begin with a mini uplift.

    My surgeon was Dr Fiumara at London Fitzroy.

    I just wanted to show images of an uplift as I feel there can be a stigma around it concerning scarring and can sometimes put people off.

    My friends were telling me I didn’t need an uplift and the scarring would ruin my nipples.

    Ive been taking shallow baths for three weeks and could not get my incisions wet during this time. I have also been wearing a breast band to help them drop.

    My boobs still have a gap but it’s not as large as it was when they were natural ans just like my surgeon said.. My boobs look just like they were natural but just a slighter bigger version. I live the volume of them and they’re starting to really soften up too.

    If you have been reccomended an uplift do ask lots of questions and research before hand as it can be really scary not knowing how you may heal.

    Diet is really important and as suggested by MYA I have had a high protein diet mainly fish and chicken with lots of veg and fruits. I also have been taking magnesium, vit c, zinc and feroglobin.



    Pre op #pod23


    It won’t let me upload them 🙁 files are too big!
    I’ve put them on my profile and all registered members can view them.


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