Well how time flies! It took forever for my boobie day to arrive and now it’s already been 1 month!
Overall I am so pleased how my recovery has been. I had 345 unders and haven’t had any problems. After 9 days I was back at work and could still feel my muscles pulling when I over stretched too much, but I just listened to my body and took it really steady. Around week three my left breast had slightly noticeably ( well if you looked long enough!) dropped lower than my right. This didn’t bother me as I know that it will take many months for them to settle. I would say from about week three everything felt back to normal muscle wise. I have full range of movement back. There is the occasional day when they ache or feel bigger or smaller. Today I noticed that the stitches have come out of my right incision and a small spot type lump has appeared where my drain went in. I think this is due to wearing a bra 24/7 so I will keep an eye on it.
Week three and four pics will follow soon.
Just wanted to give you ladies an update as what you could expect as I found this forum so helpful and supportive and think it helps to make the unknown a little less daunting.
Good luck to the newbies (or newboobies !) and happy healing to others xx