Progress report 4 weeks PO today Started by: Li-m

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  • Li-m

    Well how time flies! It took forever for my boobie day to arrive and now it’s already been 1 month!
    Overall I am so pleased how my recovery has been. I had 345 unders and haven’t had any problems. After 9 days I was back at work and could still feel my muscles pulling when I over stretched too much, but I just listened to my body and took it really steady. Around week three my left breast had slightly noticeably ( well if you looked long enough!) dropped lower than my right. This didn’t bother me as I know that it will take many months for them to settle. I would say from about week three everything felt back to normal muscle wise. I have full range of movement back. There is the occasional day when they ache or feel bigger or smaller. Today I noticed that the stitches have come out of my right incision and a small spot type lump has appeared where my drain went in. I think this is due to wearing a bra 24/7 so I will keep an eye on it.
    Week three and four pics will follow soon.
    Just wanted to give you ladies an update as what you could expect as I found this forum so helpful and supportive and think it helps to make the unknown a little less daunting.

    Good luck to the newbies (or newboobies !) and happy healing to others xx


    Thanks for that bab i was asking just this earlier well post op recovery in the first week but this was helpful! Congrats on ur new boobies! xx


    Thanks for the update! 🙂 half you’re please with your results 🙂 I’m 10 days post op and still waiting for mine to drop and look less cone shaped lol, hopefully over the next couple of weeks xx


    Nice one for the update hun, hope you don’t mind the add xx


    Thanks for update, it’s good to know, I’ll be 4wks post op around Christmas Day!


    Hope u dint mind the add…5hanx for putin ur update up..good to hear xxx


    Lovely to have a good update! I’m 2 weeks post op and my right is higher and still swollen! I’m getting impatient waiting for the dropping and fluffing! X

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