Progress so far and in love already!! Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    So I’m one day PO and have had a proper look at them!!! Wow !!!
    Can’t tell how much is swelling but I love them. I got all panicky and upset earlier as I thought I had a stretch mark on one but it turned out to be a mark from my Macom!! Really hope I don’t get stretc marks!!!
    Been sick again and still woozy and tired a lot. Taking my meds every 4 hours and have an achy pain. It’s manageable but could really do without it!
    Any questions please feel free to ask xxx


    They look great! I’ve had my BA today. And had a sneaky look. Mine are a bit misshaped and cone like but I can tell that’s normal now. How are you feeling? What aftercare advise did you get? xx


    Hi Hun I’m struggling a little the pain is quite achy but I’ll manage. As I had unders I expected it. I was told to completely rest up! I’m doing my best so far!!!
    How do you feel Hun? I still feel so sick after the anaesthesia. &My mum made me some food and I was sick after it. I should keep drinking water as there are so many meds in my system! Xxx


    Oh no I hope you feel better soon. So far i feel fine. No sickness and I recovered from the anaesthetic straight away. I’m not in much pain just uncomfortable and tender. I had unders too, what size have you had? I’m trying my best to rest but I hate sitting still! I have drank loads though so I think that has helped, try your best to have more x

    Jackie 144

    Hey girls I’ve just had a sneaky peak not opened my bra totally worried incase they popped out haha xx I love them !!!!!
    Hope your feeling better I woke up quite cheery and no sickness felt a bit sicky today and boobs feel achy and heavy when I get up xx happy healing lovelies xxx


    I had 325 mod plus unders. I was unsure what to do and in the end I left it to Dr Fiumara who decided in surgery. She knew best and I comlletely trust her judgement. She ordered me 275, 300 and 325. She went for 325 as she said I had a lot of skin to fill at them
    Top as I have lost weight and originally we decided on HP but in surgery she went for mod plus as she said I was slightly tubulor and mod plus was better for me. I’m very happy so far 🙂
    I’m incodktabke too and the breast band is a little pressure but it will be worth it. Xxx


    I couldn’t resist opening my bra Jackie! That heavy feeling is strange isn’t it.
    Definitely best to trust your surgeons advice with size and shape. I had 375 HP unders. I had lost weight and breastfed my son so was left with very empty breasts. I had Mr Traynor and he was fantastic.
    Can’t wait for a few weeks to pass then we all feel better and get to see the results! how exciting xx

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