Quick shower Started by: Kim

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  • Kim 5

    Hi everyone I’m 4dpo and feeling very emotionally drained, the fact I havnt had a decent clean isn’t helping so I was wondering if anyone thinks it’s ok to remove my bra for 5 whilst I have a quick shower but keep my incisions as dry as possible? Thanks x

    Heidi 217

    Definitely not, I wouldn’t even risk it with waterproof strapping over your incisions, imagine if they get infected and you have to go through removal etc. just cause of a quick shower, you should try sitting in a shallow bath and using a sponge to wash your arms and get someone to wash your hair leaning over the bath?xxx


    How soon after surgery can you take a shower

    Heidi 217

    Providing you have no problems 1 week if you have dissolvable stitches, 2 weeks if you have real stitches but your nurse has to look and give the okay first x

    Alex 45

    Iv been having shallow puddle baths and yes Iv been taking by bra off for a few mins and using a flannel to wipe over my boobs and I have not wet my dressings once m. Just be really carefully to make sure you don’t wet them. Your are allowed to sit in a puddle bath that’s not deep and wash with a flannel avoid soap tho on the boobs xxxxx

    Becca 167

    I was allowed to shower after two weeks, until then I was having shallow baths and making sure I didn’t get water or shower gel anywhere near my incisions. I washed around that area separately outside of the bath with a damp flannel and the Zero % Sanex shower gel making absolutely sure not to get my incisions or dressings wet at all. I held a towel over my incisions when I shaved my armpits and had assistance to do all of this just to make sure I could manage okay.

    Kim 5

    I’ve been having shallow baths was just desperate for a shower yesterday anyway managed to wash my own hair over the bath and wash myself with the shower head so felt much better x

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