Quite shocked Started by: Lauren

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  • Lauren 1

    At the fact I’ve been in the waiting room for 2 hours to see mr Singh and they have let in around 4/5 other girls who arrived over an hour after me to see him, not impressed at all

    staceyanne 2

    Get shouting lol xx


    The first time I went in to MYA that happened to me. I love this forum, website looks amazing and all the branding but I did not like MYA at all, I had my heart set on doing my procedure through them until I set foot in that place on upper wimpole st. Everything put me off, from the “welcome” ( there wasn’t one) to how long I waited, to the pc I was given and I admit I do work in an industry that is superficial so perhaps I am harsh on grooming and first appearances but let’s say that was below standard, I was expecting the staff to be advertising their product and make you want the surgery but no.. Disappointing, Bad times. Transform are so much better.


    Do they already have your money by any chance hun?! That happened to me and I was soooo annoyed! Other than that I can’t fault MYA though so hope everything else has gone well for you x

    Lauren 1

    Well all in all I got there at 1.30 and didn’t get out until 4.15, so my partner had to wait in the car for hours as there was no parking anywhere near there. I must say that mr Singh is very thorough so that’s one of the reasons there was such a wait but was pissed off there was loads of girls there well after me going in when I’d be waiting so long, mr Singh was awesome though :) got offered what I wanted so I’m happy happy. X x x


    Wow speechless would have mad!!! X

    mrswilla1981 16

    Which clinic was u at hun and what did he offer u? Xx

    Lauren 1

    I was at bristol hun, I tried 370 at first and then 410 and 460 and he said i could even get away with 525 but I said I was happy with the 460s, extra high profile overs :) xx

    mrswilla1981 16

    Oooh so he lets u try the implants? That’s ace. Are u going with him? I’ve booked him for my op in December but don’t see him till October as I’m losing weight. I’m hoping for 615 or 700 extra high xxx

    stuckeya -1

    That’s really bad. I’m with MYA in Leeds have have found the experience really good. Offer you a hot drink when you arrive, very friendly and professional. My Patient Co-ordinator is brilliant and so far so good xx Sorry to hear you’ve not found them very good :(


    Hey I was in Bristol today. Tbh if you have an appointment with Mr Singh always allow an extra hour. Lol

    But to be honest I love the people there. And Mr Singh is amazing. The amazing boobs he gave me I couldn’t be happier

    So in my eyes he can take as long as he likes.

    Lauren 1

    @mrswilla1981 Yeah I tried them on in a sports bra and u get to see what their like in a t-shirt :) hes really really good, he takes his time and doesn’t rush you in and out like some do and I tried 4 different sizes :)

    @stuckeya I was offered a drink a few times, and found them really nice, friendly and pleasant but I was just a little annoyed how long I waited etc, other than that it was a good experience, im really not a moany person but nearly 3 hours of waiting was a bit much for me.


    I was at leeds too! I found them very friendly but got the impression they concentrate on new business rather than look after there old/current patients! Xxx

    Lauren 1

    Yeah i agree younghood, but then again i guess most companys are going to be like that xxx

    mrswilla1981 16

    I’m with Leeds too but going to nottingham to see singh then op in London. I love the Leeds clinic xxx


    I went to the upper wimpole street 2 weeks ago. Appointment was at 2.15 got seen at 4.45. Saw surgeon, was with him for 5 mins. Hardly measured me. Just said partial uplift with whatever size I wanted! To top it off as I was being examined someone walked into the room , they thought it was reception!

    Totally disgusted with how I was treated talked to other girls in waiting room 4 of us all given same appointment time

    Lauren 1

    @zera6666 – I saw you today I remember, I was laughing because she offered everyone a drink and asked what you’d like and you said a malibu and coke please!!! HAHAHA brilliant xx


    Rahahahahaha brilliant


    @claireglenn think i was there they same day as you was waiting 3 hours my appointment was at half 1 and left at half 4 :/ xx


    Your clearly post op hun x


    I ve found my experience with M Y A appalling ‘customer service and care’ I don t think they ve ever heard of it! I would take your money somewhere else!!

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