Re-op in 2 days with dr Singh – going from 365cc to 560cc overs!! Started by: Alyssa D

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    Hey Girls,

    I hope you are all well 🙂

    I am literally so excited, I can’t believe nov the 20th is pretty much here lol.
    I get my admission time tomorrow I think – does anyone know roughly what time they call the day before your op?

    I will be led in bed with my new boobies before I know it!!
    I can keep you all posted on how it goes and with post op pics 😀

    Speak to you soon girlies 🙂
    Alyssa x


    Hi Hun, mines on Friday! Wot size are u hoping to achieve? I’m having 560 overs should take me to an E cup hopefully, x


    Hi Alyssa mine is Wednesday too in droitwich I’m so excited/nervous!!! This is my first time so not a clue what to expect. I can’t wait to be a normal size :))))) xxxx


    Hey @rebecca 🙂
    Aw not to long either 😀 I’m hoping to be a e/f my stats are 5ft3, 7.5stones & size 6. I currently measure a 30d/dd so definitely excited about being a e/f!!

    Hey @samantha 😀 aw the SAME DAY!! I feel the same hun still lol – I think its natural :S 😀
    We will definitely have to keep each other posted 🙂

    Good luck girls – we will be sharing out post op pics before we know it 😀

    I have been making the most of sleeping on my front at the minute LOL and doing all the things you can’t do whilst recovering LOL.

    Alyssa xxx


    Me too im a week today just got all my christmas shopping out the way so dont need to worry about that hee hee its so exciting xxx


    Can’t wait to see ur results then show u mine hehe…happy days xxx

    candybabey 3

    Hey @AlyssaD ,
    Aww excited for ya, it’s finally near to your surgery date, keep me updated how you get on will wish you luck again on the day. Bless x I’m hoping to get my admission time about a week before its important I know the exact time, before instead a day before need arrange things don’t like last minute rushing :/ xx


    Hey @candeybaby

    Thank you so much babe 🙂 I will keep you posted.
    I agree Its annoying I don’t know yet as I like to plan ahead too. I will see if I can chase it up today 🙂 but I think Ive been so excited I’ve not thought about the admission time till now lol.

    Speak to you soon babe xxx


    Just got my admission time

    candybabey 3

    Ahh there you are then what time you goin in sweet xx and your welcome <3 x


    Hey @candybabey

    Just realised the whole of my message didnt post -how odd lol.

    Its 9am on Wednesday


    It just did it again – missed out the last bit of my message.
    I prefer to have it in the morning x

    candybabey 3

    Ye I’m a mornin case aswell, well I hope I am , I’m a daycase, haha I know it’s awful at Times Im using my smart phone and sometimes the spell check is disastrous it’s like it does its own thing if you look above I edited one my posts lol xx


    Good luck! He is amazing and will take great care of you ^_^ x


    Aw thank you @kaydee
    I’ve heard nothing but nice stuff about him.

    Yeh @candybabey you would think they had minds of their own lol!!


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