Hi girls!
So my mum just came into my room to speak about having the surgery done as I’m meeting the nurse tomorrow and have it booked for the 27th of March and payed the deposit.
And she just said that she doesn’t want me to get it done, look how much it cost and think of the things you can do with the money. And she doesn’t even wanna go to MYA with me to see what it’s like…. But she ended the conversation saying,my our old enough to do what you want.
She has just made me feel like maybe I shouldn’t get this done, even though I’ want it done but now I just feel really confused. 🙁
Hi Nicky. Sorry to hear the situation this has left you in. If it’s something you’ve wanted for ages then do it. Your mum will come round soon enough. If you really want it then go ahead. Good luck whatever you choose 🙂 xx
Hey Nicky, I have had the same problem people haven’t been very supportive and trying to say you shouldn’t mess with your body your fine as you are its a lot of money etc but at the end of the day it is your body you only live once if your not happy and it’s what YOU want do it, your mum will come around I think most mums are just protective and they just want to make sure your doing the right thing but once they realise it’s what you really want they will be there for you xxx
Aww…Nicky. …If I were you, I would try speaking to my mum (or putting it in a letter on paper) explaining to her what the surgery means to you and how you feel it will help you. Some people do find it hard to understand why us girls want this type of surgery but that is only because they don’t always understand what it means to us. It’s not about prancing around saying ‘look at me and my sizeable boobs’ it’s about feeling good and comfortable enough in our body to be able to look at it and smile rather than wince. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks of our body that counts….its how we feel about it. If you explain this to your mum, it may take her some time but I believe she will be supporting you by the time of your surgery. If, on the other hand you are doubting it and don’t have any particular reason for wanting the surgery then maybe you need to consider this. Either way, I would talk it out with your mum, as I am sure she just wants to know you will make the decision that is right for you. Let us know how you get on hun and good luck! X
Thanks for your replies…
It’s just so difficult my mind has just taken a few steps backwards now….my mum spoke to me a bit more last night and said she doesn’t want me to get this done, and please don’t do it. And saying please don’t do it,for me…
Saying if something went wrong she would be really angry, and don’t understand y I would wants something like this done to me.
She also said in future you have to get them re done and how much would of the cost gone up by then and all this stuff which she is right.
She wants me to get my deposit back and forget about it.
My mum always understands whenever i have a issue and tries to help so this time she hasn’t done that so I’m not sure how to handle it.
I’m going to still see the surgeon tonight, have a chat with my PC x
What size are you now?. I am 41 Nicky and have wanted boobs as long as I can remember. I wish id done it years ago, nothing is gonna change your mind. But my mam has always been the reason I didnt do it, I needed her support/permission/blessing. If your young and your boobs are ok, in your Mams opinion this might be why she can’t support you. It’s awful when your torn.x
Hi Lorraine,
Thanks for replying… I’ wear a 32b bra but think I’m more like an A but they don’t fit me properly so get a b… My mum hasn’t seen me in a bikini ever since I was little and I’m 24 now, so she doesn’t really no how small I am, she knows I’m small coz u can see. But in a bikini I’m even smaller.
I don’t feel scared to get it done and that’s wat makes me think it’s the right thing to do.
The things that scare me is if something happened in the future, and how much they will cost when eventually they will need re doing I don’t no where I will be in life.
It’s so hard as its my decision but my mums approval means a lot.
I guess I can just get on with it having small boobs and try to be confident the way I am but I no I would be happy with the results. I just want to be a natural c- d cup.
When I think of celebrities too that have had them done like kelly rowland it makes me feel like it’s not such a bad thing to get done. But my mum is thinking it is…. I have my appointment with the surgeon later so going to go to that and see how I feel afterwards but I no I will walk out feeling excited.
Such a difficult dicision as its life changing and it’s surgery. Ummmm x
Hi Nicky, I am 24 now and wanted them done when I was 18, I have finally plucked up the courage to get them done and have my op on the 4th March. My mum and dad have been supportive but I have told them with 250cc I could go up to a D cup. They are being very unsupportive of this and I am finding it hard to deal with. I actually raised my voice at my dad last night and that never happens, but I said to him… ‘If I make this mistake and I do get despressed with the results and I need to talk to someone, how do you expect me to come to you for a shoulder to cry on when you’re being unsupportive now. I will make my own mistakes and learn by them… Just be there for me.’
He was quite taken back by it. Maybe tell your mother the same. She is trying to help you by the sounds of it, but you make your own mistsakes and learn yourself. Loads of people have had them done and love them so I can’t see it being a mistake if I’m honest. You’ll be fine hun xx
Hi Jodie
I think my mum is just scared for me, and she thinks it’s just unnecessary that I don’t need it.
I think as well it’s unexpected too…. But I’m meeting Dr linda fuimera tonight to discuss sizes which I was really looking forward to but a bit down about it now.
I know it’s scary that in the future having to get them re done, like how much will it cost in 10-15 years time. And if something went wrong :s
Thank you for your advice really helps x
hope you dont mind me butting in, hey Nicky I think what you should do is get all the information you need and the questions and worriesand ask Dr Fuimera tonight. like prices in the futures , if your are coverd incase things go wrong , etc etc and go back to your mum present it to her and she her you have looked into EVERY aspect of this and that this isnt just a fad or just for attension you are doing it for yourself and it is going to make you so much happier.
Mums like to worry and they will always see you as there little baby , so dont take it personally , she is thinking of the worst because she doest want you to come to any harm and she cant protect you.
btw would you mind if i add you ?
hope this helps.x
@nicky it’s your choice hun. This is the most common procedure in the UK and only hear a few stories of things going wrong, not many at all. It is a scary thought thinking something will go wrong, but you will have loads of help and support fom MYA afterwards, but its very little chance of procedure going wrong.
I don’t think the price is going to change very much even if it does. They make loads of money off it at the moment and can’t see it changing. I went for a consultation about 4 years ago and got quoted a grand more back then. I hope you get it sorted hun, it’s horrible not getting the support you need. I know how you feel.
Of course Parris!
Aww thank you so much girls! I’ve just gotta do what I want to do, and I’m sure my mum will digest it. My op is booked for the 27of March so still have a while to go…
I’m just going to carry on enjoying this experience as I was very excited before telling my mum haha!
I love this forum it really helps solve people’s thoughts.
I can’t wait to discuss sizes tonight 🙂 hoeing to go c-d and natural 🙂 xxx
Hi Nikki, I’m 27. I’ve wanted bigger breasts since I was 18 but couldn’t afford It I figured I’d wait a few years, then I got pregnant at 20, had to save for a house then planned a wedding then had another child! My breasts didn’t change a bit during both pregnancies and I think I was hoping they would grow at least during pregnancy and breast feeding but they didn’t at all!
I could deal with having no breasts all these years as I had a nice tummy and thought… You know some people just are small chested I really don’t care. After the birth of my second child 19 months ago my stomach is hideous and should belong to an 80 year old lady it’s saggy and disgusting! Not a fitness crazy size 8 27year old me! so now I’ve gone back to wanting them done as I no longer have a nice tummy, I figure I might as well improve on something else!
if you think you could deal with it a little longer then it might be worth the wait that little bit longer at least till you feel you don’t need to have your parents permission!
Mine don’t know I’m getting it done not because I think they’ll dosapr
Dosaprove but because I don’t think they need to know! I’ve told a handful of friends and my husband! That’s all!
It’s a tricky one as I can see this from both sides. I am 36 and thinking of having augmentation but my mother isn’t impressed and that bothers me…even at my age! I can understand where she is coming from though as I am a mum myself and if my little girl wanted them when she is older I wouldn’t like it. The thought of her messing with her perfect little body!!! Yet I’m considering it for myself!!? lol. I think mum’s are just protective.
If you have it done she will get over it. She’ll probably even forget about it in time and it won’t be an issue any more. As for having a re-op…you will have to have them re-done at some point so you do need to be prepared for that. Go for your consultation and get all the facts…when you walk out you’ll know what you are going to do.
Wishing you lots of luck whatever you decide to do x
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