Really freaking out now….help please :( Started by: Charlotte B

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    Hi girls. I booked my op a few weeks ago now for July 19th and I was mega excited to start with. I then went on holiday to Egypt for a week and thought it would make me want the op even more due to looking rubbish in a bikini and everything but I’ve got back and now I’m really confused and dunno if I want it anymore…I’ve always wanted boobs since I’m an A cup and hate it when I don’t fit most nice clothes and bras. Has anyone else gone through this…I just keep thinking do I actually NEED to spend all this money on boobs and what if I hate them?? I’m really panicking 🙁 please help boob buddies! X x

    Misfion 3

    I think its perfectly natural to have the fear before. Most girls have a moment of it at some point. But I sat and thought how would I feel on the day of the op if I cancelled it. Would that be the biggest regret, knowing I should have been getting the boobs I wanted for so long and knowing that I would still feel the way I did about getting dressed up – fillets and all, getting naked, wearing bikinis etc. It is a lot of money but you wouldn’t have got this far if you didn’t really want it and the fear is normal xxx


    hun if you look on my profile and see my forum posts they were exactly the same worries as yours i went through feeling guilty, shallow, etc you name it i felt it…but bit the bullet….youve always wanted this so when it happens you’ll be over the moon your just human, we worry xxxx totally normal

    Misfion 3

    Awww @sam so glad you are here saying the same chick. Must be a relief to be on the other side now 🙂 How are you doing, still up and about? xxx


    Mines on the 19th too! Which hosp are you going to? Xx


    I do worry far too much about everything lol the main things bothering me are that I might not like them, like if they look fake as I want them to look natural and also I hate having attention on me, it’s like my worst fear and everyone’s obv gonna notice it and say stuff which I’m dreading! I’m having mine at doncaster Louise what about u?? Xx


    Doncaster!!!! With dr k 🙂 im having 400 unders…what about you?! Xx


    It totally normal to worry and have what ifs going round your head, but for me I knew that my biggest “what if” would be if I didn’t go ahead with it and get them done as I knew deep down I would have regretted it as its something I have wanted for so long..I also worried at first what if they look really fake but looking at other ladies photos on here all I see is lovely boobies that look natural 🙂 I’m now 9 days post op and absolutely over the moon with mine, can’t stop looking at them to make sure there still there and it’s not a dream haha 😛
    What are you having Hun? Xx


    Hey Charlotte, I was the same I really immediately and awed. Now I’ve had it done I’m so pleased I went ahead. I do think however that it is surgery at the end of the day and you really you should be 100% sure before going ahead. Write down the pros and cons of it and it will help you decide. I know exactly how you feel though I was the same, I had to postpone my first op due to medical reasons and I nearly didn’t re book as I thought about it again after being in Egypt too and thinking the same things. But now I’ve done it I am so pleased I have and I’m on,y 2weeks post op and loving my results already xxx


    Mines with dr k too!! Omg I actually feel a bit relieved that I’ve found someone who’s gonna be there going through the same as me! Lol 🙂 I’m having 340 unders from an A cup. Thank u everyone for being supportive! I’ve spoken to my mum about it too and she’s days exactly what u lot r lol I know I’ll regret it if I don’t go ahead with it. I wish I had done it a few years ago tbh. I know most the girls I’ve seen on here look natural I just can’t help but think what if mine just look stuck on! I went for a meal last night ad there was a woman there who blatantly had fake stuck on boobs and they looked awful! Think that scared me a bit too xx


    Dr k is known for the natural look and unders are meant to look more natural too. Im so excited ive found someone whos at the same place on the same day! Lol! Ive added you 🙂 . Do you know what profile youre having? Which clinic is your pre op at? Xx


    I’m excited too haha all I’ve been told is I can either have 310 or 340 so think I’m going with the bigger ones as its only quarter of a cup size difference but no idea what profile and that?? I know I’ve chosen natrelles but wasn’t told anything else. My clinic is at Nottingham what about u? Xx


    Louise & Charlotte…
    I’m booked in with mr k on the 12th at Doncaster! My pre op is the 3rd in notts… I’m after a natural look too, no digger than a D. Can I add you girls?xx


    Ooo what time is your pre op?? Might see u there! I’ve gotta go on my own which I’m dreading :/ lol no worries babe ill accept now 🙂 xx

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