Really need help?? Can someone tell me what to go for? Started by: Saffy

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  • Saffy

    Hi Girls!!!

    Currently a 34E and only just seen a consultant so at first stage. Looking for a slightly bigger boob with a nice shape so that my boobs have a nice round shape even without a bra! any ideas what i should be looking at? Sizes? Profiles? CCs?

    Please help girls xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Amy 265

    Wow you have my bra size post op so jealous. I would see surgeon and see what he says but with natural boobs that big I would say prob 800cc but that’s gonna take you to gg/h maybe even bigger.


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    Hey chick how u doing I would say 450cc as if your E cup 450cc will take you to G /GG 800cc your looking at 5 1/4 cup size more and that will tip you over edge with the weight And sagging which will result in a uplift and your looking at cup size that HH/J and you never find bras but I’m more than sure no surgeon will not fill you over 500cc as anything over will run risk ripples sagging bottoming out on your 1st BA I was Always big busted At GG then had my last child went to an E even thou I had loads room I would have needed 1050 cc to fill my skin but that was no go as the risk are to high x had 385/415cc and turned out 32G then had 590CC and I’m 32GG ide Defo say a G cup chick is lovely size and easy to find lots of nice bras xx

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Christina.

    Hi Amy, thanks for your reply!! I think I am going to have to speak to him- its the tops i want a bit fuller mainly as my boobs are already a 34 e they have just got weighty and horrid. so i want a nice full implant but i don’t want to go tooo big!!

    Hi Mush, thanks for your reply!! 🙂 yeah i agree i definitely don’t want to be looking at that big i will get back ache and all sorts ! how do yours look at a GG? are they too big or are they just right?


    I’m 5.4ft size 10 Ive always big dolls anyway no my GG are not to big chick no1 can tell day to day or less I show them off Implants always look smaller to wot they are really are so my GG look FF if you know wot I mean x


    yeah I know what you mean babe! did you start off as an E? what implants did you haver? overs/unders? size etc? I just really don’t know what to go for just yet but I see pics and I think .. YES that’s what I want! haha xx


    I was Ecup Had 385/415cc uplift 1st time Went to 32G had my implants replaced to 450cc stayed at 32G then had 590CC went to 32GG x


    I had Unders to 1-2 times then had them placed over the muscle your Dr will tell wot size and wot placements x


    ok great! how come you had them done twice? xx


    Common problem Capsular Contracture (CC) it’s wear your body can create a capsule of fibrous scar tissue around your imolants which courses the tissue to shrink around your implants and tighten n squeeze your implants of shape which can be painful most common with over the muscle . But my implants was under the muscle so instead of the scar tissue my chest muscles latched on to my implants and pulled them out of shape every Time I felxed them x


    You may find that you will be given a minimum implant size, like me I was a 36dd/34e and I was recommended by my surgeon no less than 600cc, as any smaller and the width would be too narrow for my pre op breast width 🙂 I’m now measuring a 36gg/34h and they look quite natural full not too round but they are big so that’s why I’m getting asked if they’re real or implants because they look so good! Xxx

    Danielle 17

    @mush78 how did you know you had capsular contracture? If you don’t mind me asking. Just I think I may have it. One boob has recently became much lower than the other looking very mis shaped xx

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