Reassurance – 1WPO Love then Hate Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi girls
    I am 8 days post op now and back at work. I had 350cc HP unders with Mr Traiynor (who by the way I loved – thought he was honest and to the point)

    I was originally having overs but on the day he decided unders was best so we went with that. I didn’t think much on the day that unders might mean I lost a bit of size.

    I read a lot about girls loving their boobs then hating them a bit to start with and I’m experiencing this. I love them 1 minute as I was previously a 32b with nothing so having boobs is now amazing but I then have this horrible dread that they are perhaps not as big as I expected (again I know a lot of girls always say they wish they had gone bigger so I know this can be normal) and not quite as defined in shape as I wanted

    Have many of you experienced feeling completely mixed towards your boobs and did you find this changed with time?

    I know I’m only 1 week post op and they have got a lot of settling to do yet but would be grateful for anyone else’s experiences

    Thanks xxx

    Stace 17


    I’ve not had surgery yet but looking to have unders 375cc Moderate plus. I said I wanted to achieve D or DD cup size.

    Do you mind me asking what size you were aiming for and what size you currently are now? xx


    Hello – I was a 32b before and haven’t been measured yet because I’m only 1 week post op xxx

    Kay 47

    Do you have before and after pics… I’m sure they are lovely. You need to wait for the drop and fluff x

    Stacey 498

    I had a love hate relationship with my boobs till around the 4/5 month mark and then starting to like them wouldn’t say love at that point now I’m over a year post op and love them xxx

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