Reassurance – I don’t like them! 2DPO Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi girls,

    I had my surgery on the 10th so it’s only been just over two days… but I’m panicking and I think I just need some reassurance!

    I’m 5’7’ 166lbs (dress size 12/14) and I had 450CC HP overs. I had barely anything to start with, and so I was hoping to wake up with nice round boobs… but I haven’t – I’ve got torpedo tits! There is no roundness to the bottom of them at all (or the top for that matter!) and i also think they look pretty small on me.

    I’ve been told to be patient because this isn’t how they’ll look in the end, but I’m just stressing that they’ll stay pointy and won’t round out and look like boobs. I also still have zero cleavage…

    Someone please tell me it gets better!

    Karen 41

    I’m sorry your feeling the way you are hun but they will change tonns during the next few wks & months xx do u have any pictures xxx


    As Karen says Hun they will change loads, try not to worry too much, I’m 6wpo now and my boobs have changed loads every week, they changed pretty much every few days in the first four weeks, I had my check up on Thursday and surgeon said not to go to mad on buying normal bras as they will still be changing up to six months to a year, they a good size you’ve gone to Hun so really try not to worry xx


    I had 450hp unders from 34a cup im a size 10 and 5ft7 they will be high up and tight those first few days just don’t even look at them yet. Attached my 1 week photo to a more recent one at around 9 weeks post op and they’re lovely and squishy now and a 32FF. You really do just need to be patient.

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