Reassurance needed about being put to sleep. Started by: Charlotte

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  • Charlotte 15

    Hello! My op is next week and I’m so so scared about being put to sleep and everything associated with it!!! Can someone please share their experiences and reassure me it’s not as bad as I think!!! Thankyou!! X

    Julia 9

    Charlotte try not to worry about it, it’s all done very quickly that you are barely aware of it actually happening. After having surgery performed under GA and local anesthetic I would choose GA everytime. It’ll all be fine and I’m sure the staff will help make you feel at ease. I’m booked for the 12th next week, it’s so exciting xx

    Megan 57

    First time going under GA I was absolutely terrified but as soon as I woke up I thought oh, was that it? It all happens so quick you don’t even realise you’re falling asleep and then suddenly you wake up and it’s all over. The staff there will make you feel at ease, just let them know you’re a bit nervous. There’s nothing to worry about xx

    Elle 81

    I was terrified of being put to sleep as I’ve never done it before when I was walking to theatre and then told to lie down I felt like i was in a film I was so scared but the only thing I remember is the nurse asking if I felt drunk and then next minute I was awake its all over so fast there is no point worrying about it!! Xxx

    Becca 168

    Charlotte I was so scared in the days before my surgery too, but when I actually got there on the day I was surprisingly calm. The feeling of gently going under is actually really pleasant and relaxing, you just feel yourself drifting off slowly and that’s it. I think what made it worse for me is that I am terrified of needles and so I was dreading the cannula in my hand but in reality I didn’t actually feel it. Getting my lips done is easily about ten times more traumatic for me than getting my boobs done!

    Lauren 12

    I had mine done under local with sedation (not mya) and when I told people, they thought I was crazy. For them, the thought of knowing what was happening would be awful. But I wouldn’t have had it done if being put to sleep was the only option. Although, beforehand I was terribly scared, I might as well have been going to sleep! But the staff were so reassuring and calming, I’m sure yours will be exactly the same and will put your mind at ease when you get there!

    Sbowdell 15

    I was really nervous about going under general as I had a bad experience when I was put to sleep before. I told my anaesthetist and the theatre team were actually amazing, talked me through everything and were really reassuring. I even had a lady who stroked my head while I fell asleep! Previously I have woken up panicky and crying but I woke up absolutely fine! Just let them know that you are nervous and they will do what they can to reassure you. And it’s worth it once it’s all done ?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Sbowdell 15.

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