Reassurance needed ! Nose looks same as before Started by: Moomin84

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  • Moomin84 1

    Hey guys and girls
    I think I just need some reassurance !
    When I first had my cast off I was fairly happy with my nose ( minus the swelling ) .
    Now almost 3 weeks on my nose looks almost identical to how it did before surgery 🙁
    Photos side by side look same and no one has noticed a different , even my mum didn’t notice I’d have my nose done.
    Is it just time and it’ll look good in few week ?
    I know it takes time but having a panic that I’ve spent £ to have the same nose , and not fix the two things I asked for .
    Thanks all x

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by myamoderator 138.
    Nikki 9

    Can we see photos? X

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