Recommendations Started by: Paige

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  • Paige 4

    Hi girls, I have my consultion in Newcastle on Friday. I have been recommended dr Gary traynor has anyone been under his care? I’m hoping for teardrop under the muscle. Could someone please recommend or advise me on this so I have a better idea? Thank you xx


    I’m not with mya but have been using this forum for a while and see a lot of girls go with Mr Traynor. He’s a very highly recommended surgeon from what I’ve read.
    With regards to teardrop, this is something I initially wanted but I didn’t realise they had a higher risk of complications, such as flipping. You can still achieve a natural look with a round implant, especially under the muscle, but of course your surgeon will be able to advise you properly.

    The surgeon I have chosen uses Motiva implants. I was amazed by them, they’re round but behave like anatomical implants, they move just like real breast tissue!

    Hope that helps! xx

    Paige 4

    Ah really? thats good to know thanks! Ideally I would like them to be as natural as possible as everyone does, I’m an A cup now 5ft 1 and size 6-8 so don’t really know what size or anything! Thanks Georgina it has helped xx

    Stacey 55

    I went to Newcastle and also had Mr Traynor 🙂 he is very straight to the point and a little blunt lol but he knows what he’s talking about so trust what he says. Think I was more nervous about meeting him than anything lol. I was a flat 32a and I had 350cc hp round unders and I’m six weeks now. Love my boobs he’s done an amazing jobs and the scars are so good. Xx

    Stacey 498

    Hi Hun I had me traynor near 5 months ago now he accually specialises in the natural look taint be put if. Y him tho he’s quite blunt and straight to the point but he knows he’s stuff soo well I didn’t have a size in mind either I just trusted him tid say trust him with the sizes Hun he really knows he’s stuff xxx

    Stacey 498

    Also teardrops implants have higher risks then round n can look fake on the wrong person round can look just as natural as real boobs Hun xxx

    Paige 4

    Thank you for the advice that has made me a little more confident ha! Do you meet the surgeon on your first consultation? Or is the first one literally just talking about procedures etc xx

    Paige 4

    Thanks Stacey! I think I read one your comments earlier that you were from Darlington? I am too 🙂 I’m so glad I joined this! Also is there a set price for certain ones or is it all depending on size, type of implant etc? Xx

    Stacey 498

    I am from Darlington Hun small world ain’t it and the price is a set price unless u get teardrop then they are extra price a thing also some surgeons charge if they need to use two diff size implants xxx


    Hey Paige! I’m having my consultation with Dr Traynor next month. Heard such good things about him and his work! I’ve been researching for months and this forum has helped the most! I’m the same stats as you 32a, size 6-8 and want as natural as possible. At first I always thought teardrop all the way but my mind was changed completely by really getting to know my stuff and seeing a lot of photos of all types of implants, sizes and profiles. I’ve literally seen about 200 pairs of boobs through this forum and the instagram girls. The teardrop implant is more common to flip. Also the proof is in the pudding like the other girls said ^^ that round implants can look just as natural. I was worried my very flat A cup chest would look fake as it’s so small before hand but seeing before and after pics of other girls with the same size before then what their result after from round implants and particularly under the muscle… I’m 100% going for round. I’ve not even met him yet. As I’m from Scotland I’m having a combined consultation and patient coordinator in 1 visit to the Newcastle clinic to save me travelling more. Hope any of that helped, it’s just the info I’ve gained through researching before my consultation xx

    Montana 19

    Hi hun i had Mr Traynor a month ago. Hes amazing. I found him to have a dry humour but he is so lovely. He made me feel at ease as i was so nervous the day i met him for my consultation. Hes very into the natural look so he wont offer you anything he thinks will look silly on your frame. I would 100% reccomend him and everyone at mya and first trust hospital to everyone. I had an amazing experience. Xx

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