I think it depends on your current size, size of implant, under/over the muscle and probably your surgeon on the day? I personally had quite small implants (280cc) and was flat chested, under the muscle. I have found pain-wise recovery is ok, I was able to get changed on the day of the op and had a bath 2 days post. It is uncomfortable more than painful and mornings are quite stiff. I’m 6 days post op now and feeling human again. Did hoovering last night, washed my hair (although it took forever as can’t get bandages wet), cooked on day 2, could empty the dishwasher etc and went back to work 4 days post op although probably needed another day just to feel normal and have just been careful not to stretch my arms too much, twisting or lifting. I don’t have kids but the main thing I would say is for me was feeling sick/headache/shivery on day 2… was really bad but then felt fine day 3 after stopping ibuprofen. I honestly expected more pain but everyone is different and you can see from this forum the different experiences. Ask your surgeon what they think and hopefully some mums can give you a better answer 🙂